George Poem by Jim Yerman


One thing I love about memory
is how a song, an aroma, or simply something that's been said
can awaken a memory from where it rests and pop it in my head…

Our family noticed them on a walk…a young couple with their retriever…golden brown
we were walking up a hill while they were walking down.

As I stopped to pet their golden and we began to talk
I suddenly thought of Whitman, our golden, and how he loved to walk.

I scratched George, their golden, behind his ears…a tail wagging ensued
and I remembered how, when I scratched Whitman there…his tail would wag too.

I wondered why they named him George…and in my reverie
I remember how we named our Whitman after a bakery…

As I continued petting for a moment…right there and right then
It was as if I was petting Whitman and he was alive again.

Before they walked away I thanked the couple for sharing George with me
and I whispered into George's ear…"Thanks for the memory".

I watched them continue down the hill feeling glad that we had met
and I smiled because my memories of Whitman hadn't finished yet.

Once his memories faded away…and returned to where they rest
I caught up to my family…feeling lucky…feeling blessed.

And in awe of how once they're awakened…
even for a little while
memories can seem so real…
memories can make you smile

Friday, March 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: memories,pet
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