From Darkness To Light Poem by Rishi Thakkar

From Darkness To Light

From darkness to light

Wherever I look Thrs so much of despair
Hardly any 1 these days breathes air..
The lines almost every1 recites these days 'it's nt fair..'

Why so much of expectation
Why so many remark cations
Why being so judgemental
Why is even the practical trying to be sentimental

Love is a feeling of not receiving!
True love is all about sacrifices and giving.
In the quest for money and fame we 4get the ppl who were beside us wen times were testing..
Children 4get those parents who cleaned thr loo but never complained..
Oh these days -'they poke thr nose everywhere' is all they lament..
These statements are nt pokes 2 bear..
These are advices because they've had more experience f being wrong; it shows thr care..

Relationships these days compete with the word 'complicated..'
Soon thr might come a stage whr d term 'being in relationship' may be confused with 'being in spider's Web.'
Those in love can never have ego,
Those with ego can never feel d magic f love..
Self respect and esteem is just a majestic way of showcasing ur worth!
Break ups are more common then link ups
Result is Depression pills and medicines ride in half of D young blood..
I often wonder is this how God would have planned?

Charity and acts of giving are more of showcase of ur affluent status..
Giving needs feelings and heart,
Money can't buy a person love
Deprived are people who life can change..
Because that's the acid test of this life's game..
To finish ur innocence,
To make u forget Thrs god inside not in idols and statues made of various clay n cements..

As I write these lines
Some would see such a big block f words and express a bye..
But for all those who'd care to read on..
I wish my lines reminds u 2 bring d child in u back on..
4give those who might have hurt u..
Remember thr good deeds, even 1ce they've done 4u.
Smile more for life's uncertain..
Respect more for its what will always come bk 2u..
For every moment life gives u strangers, whom u decide can be ur friends..
Not just ppl on Facebook who might give like and comments..
Enjoy every breath u take,
Enjoy every decision u make,
For regret is a very difficult pill 2 swollow..
And learning positivity from every act is the mst beautiful art 2 follow..

Love to those who are with me today
I want u tmro..
For those who left me well ur gifts are memories from my heart and mind I still borrow..

Monday, January 18, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: sad,today
Abhilasha Bhatt 18 January 2016

Love to those who are with me today I want u tmro.. Loved these lines...wonderfully narrated....thank u for sharing :)

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Edward Kofi Louis 18 January 2016

When the truth exposes lies. Nice work.

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Rishi Thakkar 18 January 2016

Thank you Edward sir

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