Freedom From Earth Bound Slavery Poem by Kiran Pillai

Freedom From Earth Bound Slavery

Wonder how I can be free this lifetime!
Maybe it is the illusion of safety that binds me
Too scared to cut the very cord that sustains...
How to safely venture into the open so?

The very home, people, nation and system
Might be feeding fear into my mind
"We provide for you. Trust the system"
But, the heart is crying to cut the cord and be free.

Yes, it may be emotions that bind me to the port.
This ship is well formed. But, stays close to land.
I am talking of going into the ocean today.
Not just the earth ocean. Galactic proportions really.

Earth is a port in many ways. This planet is here.
Any corner on earth is internet fixated everywhere.
We know what each earth corner is and how it works.
Maybe the freedom secret does not lie in this planet.

The ones who moved continents searching freedom
Is bound either in employment or in their ventures.
Even Light Workers around me speak egotistically.
How can a healer order people with spite?

The areas of freedom talk again of service.
The more I serve, the more I am bound.
Humanity can always afford another serving.
But, what if the service itself binds me?

Give me freedom. I want to own my time.
Is time itself a tool to bind us down to earth?
We are so linear in this third density....
Can earth beings really be free in 100 years?

Saturday, May 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,spirituality
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