Forgetting Poem by Jim Yerman


Rating: 5.0

One of the pitfalls of growing older…as life heads into its December…is how the aging process plays havoc our ability to remember.

Things we remembered easily when we were younger…things which quickly in our minds were set…a name…a face…a date…have become all too easy to forget.

We walk a fine line of normality as we watch this all unfold…wondering…are if we losing our minds…or just getting old.

But there is an upside to forgetting…a silver lining if-you-will…for every now and then our forgetfulness…can excite…can inspire…can thrill.

I started reading a book the other day…a book I truly adore…but as I read I had this feeling…I've read this book before.

This feeling was persistent…it could not be ignored…as if reading this book had opened up a room where its memories were stored.

The funny thing is…as I entered this room…I found myself stumbling about…because even with the door open…memories did not come pouring out.

No, they trickled out gradually…unhurriedly finding their way
In the same manner the night slowly pulls back its blanket…uncovering the day.

As I read I began to remember it was like dipping my toes into the ocean at the shore…and with each step into the water…I'd remember more and more.

It's made reading this book an adventure in itself…for the further and further I read…sometimes my memory played catch-up…sometimes it ran ahead.

It's been twice as enjoyable reading this book…and now that I'm nearing the end…
I realize I‘ve found so much new…while visiting this old friend.

Perhaps when it comes to unlocking a memory…no matter our age…this is the key…
We need to find the catalyst that will set our memories free…

With that in mind I'm on a mission…to finish this book..and then
to see how many old books I've forgotten…and read them all…again.

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