First Breath You Take Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

First Breath You Take

Is my wealth
this first breath
I take upon morning’s rise?
Consciousness ascending into
my being, my beating heart within
my chest of finite flesh; my souls ripening?
What Master do I thank and praise for this?
Which ‘Fate’ would be so ever kind; as to allow
me this on each new morn, or am I merely in illusion
alluding that in the confusion which life has come to be
that IAM considered an intrusive, annoying and an
unconscionable presence in the midst of this
crumbling and self-destructive humanity?
That the assumptive thoughts of me
within the all of this despairing mass of
humankind, are of a questioning scorn?
Is my wealth of that first breath
the best that will become me?
Seems this is the case to be
allowed to live and breed and bleed
and suffer wistfully through all eternity
and still I grieve for those ‘lost’ to me
unable to feel or see the ‘light’ given each
and every day that is free and all-embracing
prepared and nurtured by nature for the sake
of all and for all comprehensive existence...
My et-men; is this meant to mean IAM continually
questioning the why of me in this my infinite impanation?
Laying naked in awakening’s calm, preparing for such
storms that the crude daze of existence may bring
anticipating the misdirection, all misconceptions
each insufficiency and each conscious decision
that my overwrought, mindlessly meandering
thoughts do so sing…
Well, at least IAM considering such things
that each of you exchange in your inner
most awareness, on a daily moment by
moment basis; such hilariousness!
This is what I witness, that self-awareness
proves too vicious, to intensive, too extensive
for most ill taught, poorly directed, and such
apprehensive entities as beings human have
proven themselves to be…
Life, is not the body
not the domain, not that absolute
duty, which humanity treats it to be; it is
the only entirely freed from corruptible
potentialities exist that is allowed
to thrive in the functional universe…
All else proves to be chaotic and emphatic
‘cause and effect’ as in ‘when worlds collide’
or when suns die, or why comets do so fly…
My, my, oh my; comets fly and collide with
worlds and die; humans try not to collide
when they fly so they will not die…
Do you now comprehend
the reality of what is universally
natural and what is mysteriously
‘that divineness’ in each
of our first daily breaths?
Are humankind that
‘questionable purity’ that is exempt
from all other realities, that ‘gift’
which is of such specialty that it will be
allowed to continue through all of eternity
as the exception to ‘all knowns’ of the
‘physical universe’ that “we”
have allowed “it” to see?
The ultimate ‘untruth’
this question appears to be!
IAM aware you see, of all human
propensity towards impurity, towards
the corruptible misunderstanding of what
is meant to be; towards the “thinking”
that humanity is some “sacred cow” and
“outstandingly especial”; is an ultimate
pleasurable sight to be
beheld above all else?
Are you all kidding me?
My et-men constantly seeks
relief from all disbelief, from all
the grief which is caused by all of
humanity shying rudely away from
my all-embracing truth…
This “inner-self”, is in most simplistic
sense my truth’s wealth, the ‘first and last’
that taste of divine breath; an existence
of health generated by ‘self’s awareness’
from the ‘knowledge taught’; not from
‘wisdom bought’ or destructions wrought
from an ‘incessant conflict’ or the propensity
to error where truth is an arrow that is
broken and made shallow by thoughtless
beings versed in worldly wiles…
All the while I hold dear those first
morning’s breaths which in context brings
one’s thoughts to “fix”; their shattered
inner essence and hopefully increase
unceasingly the “will” in each to finally
see that the “light” of me joyfully rises
as does this ‘system’s sun’…
The “inner-self”, one’s et-men’s stealth
the “hidden in plain sight” belief; believe
do so believe, as this is worth beyond all
worth and it is yours as humanity to seek
in every awakening breath you are gifted
to take; an elating and supremely gracious
truth allowed to be endowed as
a species, with a worth beyond
the first breath you take…

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: perception,personification,self reflection
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