Fate Poem by Nash Thomas


Fate, the unkind traitor,
Unknown to many,
Known to a few,
But the facts fail to provide a way out.

I like to call you, a cheater,
Cheater on the road to many,
To break the plans, to beat the visions,
And many under severe threat.

A blind reality of darkness,
In the visionful world of colors.
Millions and millions affected,
Unkind towards many in life.

It's role on the go from the Adam,
Like a malicious women,
A seductive women to kill-
A mighty man of Samson.

Fate, the unkind traitor,
A cheater, lacking any -
Real chain in life, logic is out of question,
Affected one, in deep trouble.

Fate, a man of real traitor,
Now I find a fact, on tested realities,
You are related to Saturn,
Saturn to break the destiny of many.

Fate, you are an unkind traitor,
Unknown for many, known for a few,
Look at your birth chart, find the Saturn,
You will get a true value.

You cannot deny,
The role of Saturn,
I like to curse you, the fate,
A traitor, without any death at all.

No logic behind,
The cry of Abel's blood,
No logic behind fall of many kings,
The fall of Solomon too.

No logic behind,
The logical man of Jesus,
To kill by nailing onto a cross,
But, still have a logic, on the date of birth.

Prophecy is for harsh treatment,
Logical less logic of the world,
You are really a breaker of destiny,
A real traitor from the life on the earth.

I want to challenge you, an inborn traitor,
I want to challenge you, an inborn cheater,
Soon you will be under the merciless hand of destiny,
We will invent techno solution for the same.

21/11/2018,9 AM, Kadammanitta.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fate
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