Fall Poem by Oreoluwa Sanni


I'm falling in love with a stranger.
Danger, danger.

But If you don't talk to nobody,
you'll never know anybody.

I mean, like know know them,
on a personal level.

The Internet profiles,
but some information's only surface level,
perhaps just perhaps,
that's all we'll ever really need to know.

But that all depends on the source.
Somethings you read could just be a bunch of loaded… hmm..
well who don't love a private life?

I mean, must everyone have a rundown on every thing you do with your life?

I mean, It's no secret we only have a lifetime in this form.

do we need that all in the press?
I feel we put too much pressure on the people who's up the wall,
while the common man gets to rest.

One's on the other's case
But perhaps none has the cleaner hands.

With great powers come great responsibilities.

But perhaps we just expect too much?
I am too much

But we look at them all funny
when they Humpty Dumpty down to crust.

I think I'm falling in love with a stranger.
And this might mean for real danger danger.

Perhaps it's not just one.
And their watching me like a ranger.

If I could and I picked just one
To the rest am I a player?

I'll rather they remain anonymous,
I mean none of them even talk to me.
And perhaps them loving me back
could be a very dangerous thing.

I'm falling in love with strangers
but for you I saved my hand.

But perhaps,
Just perhaps,
I'll have to change my plans.

Up was down when I fell for you,
Damn I was such a fool.

But now it's all sky high.
And I think I'm all out of fuel.

Icarus has fallen.
And Humpty Dumpty broke his fall.

I think I'm falling in love with strangers Perhaps it's not love at all.

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