Fairy Flowers Part Three Poem by Tom Billsborough

Fairy Flowers Part Three

Rating: 3.5

She beckoned me into her world and I began to follow
Lifting up her lantern, she flit that sleepy hollow.
But something odd was happening. I saw her growing bigger
Or was the change in me, so was I getting smaller?
This oddity progressed apace as we went up the lane
As we drew near a moonlit dell as moths towards a flame.
So by the time we reached its rim, she was five feet tall
Or was it me, eight inches high, so very, very small.
But then I was distracted as I heard the fairies sing
As they had formed a circle dancing in a ring.
They all wore pretty dresses of many a different hue:
Some were dressed in purple, in whites, and shades of blue.
"This one is called Prunella and that is Meadowsweet, "
The first in glorious purple the other creamy white...
And all of us are flowers who do come out each Eve
We really like to party as you will now believe.
In daytime we are resting, as often students do,
When they should be at lectures and at their essays too."
I smiled at this remembering many a beer soaked night
But I never felt such joy as these fairies in moonlight.
"We only drink the nectar from our darling buttercup, "
I'll bring you some right now and you must have a sip."

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy tale
Fabrizio Frosini 14 August 2016

nice read.. sort of 'fresco' painting.. :) hai dipinto a parole una scena idilliaca, in una valle fatata.. un novello Peter Pan.. again a child ;)

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Tom Billsborough 15 August 2016

I think the scene of my childhood, a small but beautiful valley. Grazie

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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