Eu Cred / I Think Poem by Magdalena Biela

Eu Cred / I Think

Eu cred că suntem un popor vegetal,
De unde altfel liniştea
În care aşteptăm desfrunzirea?
De unde curajul
De-a ne da drumul pe toboganul somnului
Până aproape de moarte,
Cu siguranţa
Că vom mai fi în stare să ne naştem
Din nou?
Eu cred că suntem un popor vegetal-
Cine-a văzut vreodată
Un copac revoltându-se?

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I think

I think we are a vegetal nation,
Where from then the peace in which
We are waiting for defoliation?
Where from the courage
To slip on the sleep's slide
Up to the edge of death,
Being sure
That we'll be able to
Be born again?
I think we are a vegetal nation -
Who ever saw
A tree revolting?

Eu Cred / I Think
Friday, May 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: translation
Kim Barney 06 February 2020

3) Your translation is much better than Google's!

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Kim Barney 06 February 2020

Just for fun, I copied the Romanian version of the poem, put it in Google Translate, and it gave me back this: I think we are a plant people, Where else was the silence Where are we waiting for the break? Where's the courage Let go of the sleep slide Until near death, Surely That we will be able to be born again Again? I think we are a plant people- Who's ever seen it A tree revolting?

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Kim Barney 06 February 2020

Great poem and picture!

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Daniel Brick 04 May 2019

This poem was written by a despairing person, She does not think humanity will wise up so it's going to dumb down.We ave been warned with no good result. So even earth helpers are giving up.

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Magdalena Biela 05 May 2019

ANA BLANDIANA wrote this poem under Ceausescu regim, when Romanian people were vegetable, not allowed to think, to do something, to live their own lives...

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