Embracing Spring Poem by Vinaya Joseph

Embracing Spring

In Spring's embrace, the world awakes,
From winter's slumber, it gently breaks.
Blossoms bloom in colors bright,
A symphony of renewed delight.

The air is filled with fragrant scent,
As nature's canvas is fervently lent.
Birds on wing, their songs resound,
In verdant fields, life's joys abound.

Emerald leaves adorn each tree,
Dancing gently in the breeze so free.
The sun's warm kiss upon the land,
Ignites the Earth with life so grand.

Oh, Spring, you bring such sweet release,
A time of growth, of boundless peace.
In your embrace, we find our cheer,
As you paint the world anew each year.

So let us revel in your grace,
And cherish every fleeting trace.
For in your season, we are whole,
Spring, the essence of the soul.

Vinaya Joseph

Vinaya Joseph

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
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