Don't Send Your Kids To College Poem by David Welch

Don't Send Your Kids To College

They all put so much stress on
getting a college degree,
and if it's math or science,
I think that I would agree.
But in the humanities
another trend now appears,
kids are taught to hate themselves,
and this is reason for fear.
Instead of the great questions,
they're taught to obsess on race,
and disparage great thinkers
who have the ‘wrong'-colored face.
Instead of human nature
they're taught to harp on gender,
to the point they no longer think
there is a ‘him' or a ‘her.'
Instead of economics
they're force-fed socialism,
and thus doomed to see the world
through a misshapen prism.
Instead of building a life
these students are taught to see
themselves as passive subjects
to assigned ‘identities.'
Instead of questions of faith,
they'll be taught religion is dead,
just to have leftist belief
pounded hard into their heads.

What comes back won't be something
worthy of pride or respect,
their morals gone, their reason cowed,
their soul an absolute wreck.
You will not get a person
quipped to take on the world,
you'll get an angry NPC
out rioting like a churl.
You will not find them ready
to become women and men,
just fragile people who think
the name ‘Blackjack' does offend.
You will not find strong actors
now ready to get to work,
just entitled people that
rant and scream like spoiled jerks,
and worse still these useless souls
have a hundred grand in debt!
I got to think a trade school
would've been a better bet.
Then at least they'd be useful
to society at large,
help to maintain all we've built,
and not be the culture's charge.
Plus if they really want to
give the great thinkers a look,
they can go do that for free
with a bunch of library books,
Or look to the internet,
most of the greats are there for free,
your own thoughts will be as good
as what comes from academies.
Unless it's math or science,
college doesn't make much sense,
don't sent your kids to college,
you'll just be ruining them.

Thursday, October 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: corruption,education,how i feel,political,propaganda,rhyme,school,truth,youth
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