Democracy - 01 Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Democracy - 01

Rating: 5.0

A tale of the ants
who overpower elephants in the forest-
Democracy blooms in the majority.

Monday, December 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: democracy,demons,social behaviour
D Priyanka Singh 11 December 2017

A tale of the ants who overpower elephants in the forest- Democracy blooms in the majority. Yes democracy, each passing day is turning irrelevant to the mass. 10+++ for this lovely haiku.

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Alina Kaikeyi 12 December 2017

A tale of the ants who overpower elephants in the forest- Democracy blooms in the majority. Yes democracy, each passing day is turning irrelevant to the mass. The ants are symbols of majority of wrong doers who are unable to think and act, and the elephants are good people often suppressed as they are weak in numbers. Great work. 10++++++ Alina

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Alina Kaikeyi 12 December 2017

A tale of the ants who overpower elephants in the forest- Democracy blooms in the majority. Yes democracy, each passing day is turning irrelevant to the mass. The ants are symbols of majority of wrong doers who are unable to think and act, and the elephants are good people often suppressed as they are weak in numbers. Great work.

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Mj Lemon 12 December 2017

Brilliant, Subhas! There is a subtle critique at work. I can't help but think the ants are insects and the elephant a mammal. Would those insects ever think of including the elephant in their democratic experiment? Humour combined with the serious- -so well done!

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Binayakumar Mohanty 12 December 2017

Satires on democracy series are direct hits.Superb ones.No comment sir.Thanks for sharing.

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D Priyanka Singh 11 December 2017

A tale of the ants who overpower elephants in the forest- Democracy blooms in the majority. Yes democracy, each passing day is turning irrelevant to the mass. 10+++ for this lovely haiku. 10+++++ DP

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Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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