December Warm Poem by Hanan Muzafar

December Warm

I came out of you,
and you called my name,
I was there,
for you all the time,
Someone's voice you heard,
across some strange,
Earth soft, and heaven coloured,

Stay warm,
December it's, cold outside,
close windows,
As snow is going to fall;
Sledge you want,
to go far away,
when it's echo around.

Birch in your hall,
shining bright in dark,
Reindeer eating moss,
and a tune that beats,
with your chord, standing tall.

Let some thoughts in,
for there's nothing to fear,
just you and me,
nobody to hear;
The way you're, apparent I'm,
Look where you're, not so far,
from where you're,
Different shades I carry along.

The way I'm with you,
what it's you sow,
grow, but don't fade;
Beneath what you're,
just be what you thought,
I did it for you,
but you don't know at all,
Once you see me,
sleep, till it's dawn.

December Warm
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: compassion,december,imagery,life,love,romance,separation
Me Poet Yeps Poet 06 December 2018

you are quite poetic but I see no comments read others introduce yourself comment and love other poets then see how warm in winter you will be come snow where I live ts all snow read my poems also moms smiles to begin with I am adding you to my friends list I like to learn from the youth of today passed have I my youthful days

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Hanan Muzafar

Hanan Muzafar

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