Could You Not Love Me? ..........[ Inspired By The Poem Title ' Could You Love Me? ', By Cowboy Ron Williams, On P-H ] Poem by Bri Edwards

Could You Not Love Me? ..........[ Inspired By The Poem Title ' Could You Love Me? ', By Cowboy Ron Williams, On P-H ]

Rating: 5.0

I've had some people love me. I hope some have loved YOU too!
Some have 'said' they no longer loved me! How could that be true?
It boggles ** my mind that 'that' could, for anyone, ever be the case.
Perhaps my standards were 'too high'. Perhaps they needed 'space' ***!

(September 26th 2023)

Bri edwards

aka Brian Edward Whitaker


** boggle: '(of a person or a person's mind) be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something

*** [ need ] space: 'Space" can mean a lot of things. Maybe they need an evening per week to watch Netflix on their own, travel for a week, or go out with friends more often. They may also be referring to "emotional space." For example, if you have a habit of trying to fix their problems, they might need you to let them figure it out.'

Bharati Nayak 29 September 2023

(Part-2) Hi Bri, perhaps you are in this state of self doubt.

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Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

'self-doubt'? ? About WHAT, Bharati? ? ? ? Would I, bri, have need to doubt myself? ! I have enough people & things to doubt! ! ! THANKS for your comment. ;) bri

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Bharati Nayak 29 September 2023

Love is a complex feeling.The lover is in a constant state of self doubt.Even after being assured thousand times, he still questions whether his beloved loves him.(Part-1)

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Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

Heck, I KNOW my wife loves me. HOW could she NOT? ? ! ! So what if she sometimes says she DOESN'T? ? ? ? She isn't in her right mind anyway, proven by the fact that she married me! ! ! !

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Bri Edwards 28 September 2023

Kingsley Egbukole says she sent comment(s) & I have (some) faith that it/they WILL show up......EVENTUALLY! ! bri

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Kingsley Egbukole 28 September 2023

Sometimes love can go sour for a number of reasons. Beautiful poem

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Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

Thanks a bunch! : )

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Anil Kumar Panda 27 September 2023

So nicely written. May be true. Everyone need a space now a days.

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Bri Edwards 16 October 2023

Space? A spaceship needs space. A space heater needs space. Two typed words need a 'space' between them. So, of course, people need 'space' as well. : )

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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