Conservatives Vs. Liberals Poem by Chan Mongol

Conservatives Vs. Liberals

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Conservatives vs. Liberals

Seeking votes for conservatives, for the quality;
By the people, for the people to create better facility.
Conservatives are real for humanity and harmony;
With good sentiments, they K.O democrats and phony!

It is important to know Conservative theme, motto;
They give respect and earn respect with value.
In conservative character, civilization is the matter;
By aiming high, conservatives are go getter, better!

Democrats manipulate weaker and poor people;
Then, they proudly say that they are the liberal!
Have you seen any of them ever done good for real?
Crooks, greedy leaders, don't have quality and moral.

Tony Blair was a liberal and through his teeth he lied;
Blair, Hilary were cronies of Bush and Saddam died.
Only Conservatives been bringing changes to update;
Conservatives care for ethics and run against syndicate.

Liberals are cheap who often tell fat lies to get power;
After getting power, they do corruptions in the top gear.
We need justice, core values, intelligence and education;
Hypocrisy of democrats be dumped at the bottom of ocean!

In few countries I experienced worst liberal characters;
They say anything but afterwards break words as liars!
Introduced to folks as liberals, democrats but termites;
Those tadpoles talk sweets but always spread hates!

Cheating, misleading been done by liberals, democrats;
With corruptions, injustice, making weaker governments.
Conservatives uphold values with conscience, bravery;
Electing of conservative good people is very necessary!

Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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