Childhood Poem by amar qamar


My life, what a waste,
It didn't start until it was too late,
Not much of a childhood, not much of a fate.
Never notice, never seen,
All them years, stuck on automatic, a machine.
The anger, the anguish of things I should have done
The fun, the laughs, what? There wasn't none.
Strict parents who ruled with an iron fist
The berating the beatings, you get the gist
Being brought up like this I became a recluse
Not point arguing or talking back, there wasn't any use
So I became a prisoner of my own quietness and shyness
I watched from within, with silent sadness ….
Staying at home from morning to night, just me alone
Never having friends over, just me on my own
Never going out, just me and my books,
Became frightened of people and their judgmental looks
My confidence was beaten and battered
What little courage there might have been, was shattered
Wasted time, and wasted years
Locked away in my room, trapped with my fears
Then I went to college and things all changed
The chains suddenly slackened, it felt a bit strange
To suddenly be free and to do as I desired
Suddenly I had so many mates, I felt inspired
Though I put my head down and studied hard in class
Afterwards I chilled, cruised, and had bare laughs
I lived everyday to the full, as if it was my last
Clubbing and partying and having a blast
Chatting up girls, and sessioning till late
Not knowing what day it was, never mind the date
I lost my way a bit, the straight path I finally managed to find
Now that I'm older I remember those days fondly in my mind
I haven't lived many years, but definitely lived those two
All those lost years crammed into so few…

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