Can't Fix Stupid Poem by Randy McClave

Can't Fix Stupid

You can't always fix stupid
That fact everyone in agreement does say,
Unto it many are truly suited
And for them we just hope and pray.
The things that they say and that they do
We just nod our heads in disgust,
We stay away from them as if they have the flu
And we think how can them we really believe or trust.
You can show then the truth and the facts
And they just completely ignore it,
Lying and falsely accusing is one of their many stupid acts
Of course they have no common sense or wit.
You can't fix the stupidity or the gullibility of many
There is logic and knowledgeable truth in that,
Some of them are known as just a bad penny
But, you can always easily identify the stupid by their hat.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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