Blood-Drops Are Falling From The Sky Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Blood-Drops Are Falling From The Sky

Rating: 5.0

'Blood-Drops Are Falling From the Sky,
Blood-Drops Are Falling From the Sky
The earth shudders once, she weeps, yes she cries,
As Blood-Drops Are Falling From The—
Blood Drops Are Falling From The Sky...' —M.N.01: 01

The downfall, the commotion, which started from the beginning
The doctrines sold us tales of a loser who was, in some way, always winning
The prayers and the weeping, the blood, it all melded together
The downfall, the storm, nature crying; it's the mood, it's the weather

Read between the lines, read each word slowly
Speak low, watch your tone, it's sacrilege, it's 'purely' unholy
To suggest that it's false, to question the pages
To ignore the past, to over-look the imbalance in the stages

What brought us here? —what caused the storm?
Who was the marauder, who were the thorns?
Who were the roses and who were the petals?
Who were the failures, who won the life trophies and the medals?

For the earth's reign, the earth's failure?
The human race, there's a real tale here;
The Mother bleeds, the Mother cries
The precipitation is over; the Mother dies

Do you understand the disturbance in this story?
Do you comprehend the death and the glory?
Spill the secrets; in every verse,
Explain the truth before being sentenced to silk black sheets, a coffin, and a ride inside a midnight black hearse.

The Mother's Story, watch it unfold:
Watch as it's delivered, watch as it's told.
Each page carries something; there's so many clues;
It's a Revelation you must figure out how to use.

© copyright 2017-2024 Blood-Drops Are Falling from the Sky

Blood-Drops Are Falling From The Sky
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: earth,religion
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