Beauty And The Beast Poem by John Yaws

Beauty And The Beast

"Beauty and the Beast"

He loved her yet his love was spurned...
Day and night for her he yearned.
Lovely lass to say the least....
I speak of Beauty and the Beast.

Tom McClain, a peasant born-
Huge and bulky, much deformed...
Appearance wise.....Neanderthal..
They likewise thought his brain was small

But Tommy's heart was like physique-
Large, but tender....quite unique.
Young Angelique Devries did please-
The heart of him they called the Beast.

Several years had come and fled-
And Angilique was grown and wed.
The one of whom she thought the least...
Was Tom McClain, the poor dumb Beast.

Then one night amidst a gale..
A murderer escaped from jail...
A refuge from the law did seek...
And found the home of Angilique.

In his cottage near the stream..
Tommy heard a woman scream..
So full of fear he could not speak-
He ran to aid fair Angilique.

Until this day the story's told-
Of Tommy's heroism bold...
He threw himself upon the knife-
And in her place he gave his life.

He killed his killer ere he died..
And Angilique knelt at his side...
She kissed his brow, he died in peace..
The end for Beauty and the Beast.

John Yaws

John Yaws

Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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