Be My Fairy Tale Poem by Mark Heathcote

Be My Fairy Tale

Come, darling; let us make some history,
Come, darling, you're already kismet calling to me
Fates have been kind, but it's bound to turn ugly for us
Because I'm too egotistical and proud, you see
I'm nickel gold plated
I'm all for myself
But darling it's-only that I am young
And I am swimming against an estuary tide
full of sharks hungry, basking by my side.

Come, darling; let us make some history,
Come, darling, you're already kismet calling to me
And like a suicidal fool, I'm running to you
Believing everything will be bright and heavenly outside
While the moon and the stars are hiding
Like lost assets buried at sea
But darling it's-only that I am sailor-of-the-bars
Falling off barroom stools
That I've learned to let love in and harbour.

Come, darling, lower your braids and leave your tower
Come, darling - be my fairy tale
Fates have been kind, but it's bound to turn ugly,
Darling, do you love me, and the anarchist in my soul
Groaning for one more drink,
One more quart of whisky,
And a girl with demons eyes hissing,
Shouts throw him in the snow and let him freeze;
He isn't worth a kind word or your charity.

But that's when he cries darling won't you marry me
Darling, you're the one, the only one for me.
Come, darling, lower your braids and leave your tower
Come, darling - be my fairy tale
Come, come my way
And be my reward in all this living hell.

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