A Woman (An Amazing Painting By Karina L/Exgo Art) Poem by Akhtar Jawad

A Woman (An Amazing Painting By Karina L/Exgo Art)

Rating: 5.0

How long the ancient sperm remained in stew
Million, billion, trillion restless years
Once it was changed in the pious tears,
A rose was evolved to be kissed by the dew.

How long the evolved germ remained lonely
Just a minor fraction of time a micro second
As soon as he felt beats of a soft diamond,
The idea of creating an eve was so lovely!

Someone left his throne and threw his crown
Heavens looked ugly, the earth, so beautiful it is,
He slept peacefully, sweetest a woman's lull is!
Beats of the soft diamond titillated his gown.

When nature slept for the first time on the earth
It smiled experiencing sweet dreams as well,
Gardens came so close and repelled the Hell,
O woman! I salute you, I know your worth!

To this wonderful painting I bow my head, my heart,
Wonderful is a woman and amazing is the work of art!

A Woman (An Amazing Painting By Karina L/Exgo Art)
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: woman
Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 June 2019

A beautiful poem and a great dedication to women. It is amazing how a great Poet had crafted this marvelous write out from a wonderful painting.

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Aniruddha Pathak 04 April 2019

The idea of creating an eve was so lovely! ... O woman! I salute you, I know your worth! ... A wonderful painting that caused to create an amazing poem.

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Khalida Bano Ali 03 April 2019

A beautiful poem on a lovely painting.

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