A Visionary Matrix In Four Poems(4) Poem by Daniel Brick

A Visionary Matrix In Four Poems(4)

A Glimpse of Transcendence

We suspect there is a being
who lives a vast life
in traces of our thoughts.
He began eons ago as a giant cell,
self-contained, wholly unconscious,
but his gestation complete, he has
changed his existence from a mineral-
condition to sentience. Neither feminine
nor masculine, he partakes of both genders,
without bias. We cannot tell if he needs us,
or if he just enjoys us. We know he guides
our minds to their truest dreams. Psychic
energy abounds, it's exchanged, it achieves
wholeness within our two life forms.

His life is massive and secret. We are otherwise:
we are communicants. His life is secret, but
not because he h-a-s secrets. He has nothing but
Existence: in him Being is complete. No clash
of wills between him and and the world detours
his intentions. They are perfectly conceived
and perfectly sustained. We know these things
because he occupied our consciousness for centuries,
adapting it to his needs, but with the deftness
of a butterfly, he never damaged or scarred
our selves as he cocooned into his present being.
Soon he will become the Lord and Master of the Cosmos,
by his own declaration.He will rise in glory, and
he will spread the fullness of his Being
across the sky in a golden arc and he will shower
our existence in golden light. We will be as the Moon
to his Sun, and his gratitude to us will be
a Foundation Stone of his new Cosmos.

Thursday, June 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fantasy
Liza Sudina 02 July 2018

Great poem! Wonderful insight! Enjoyed it a lot! We are communicants.

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