A Stream To Cross Poem by Jose Mathews Kannamplal

A Stream To Cross

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A Stream to Cross
But the Bridge to cross that unreposing stream is the cross
There is fierce brook of trouble for me to boldly cross
I am confused quivering and standing at its fearsome way
The current is so swift, so deep the rapid and wide is the flow

I am so scared to see the surge, the swelling tide and its pride
The slippery rocky bed, cascading water, fearful cavern
Rushing torrents, mighty swell, and the water so deep
And scary, eddying flood, obscure bottom, and the ripple

Pass not away upon this swift and surging passing stream
Lead me to the other shore holding my hand lest may I swept
There is an impulse that tells me for every obstacle there is a way
Sometimes it is closed for our eyes, or hidden from us by divine

It may be a lonely trail, but console, not to sway the stay
Smile like a child, sing like a skylark, and voluntarily say
I will pray like Elijah, and put my trust in Him all the way.
Have a backward glance of humble beginning to erase the pride
To conquer the conceit, deep depression and cynical doubting!

Jose Mathews Kannamplal
5th January 2003
Dubai.UnitedArab Emirates.

Stanly Jacob 19 August 2020

Beautiful It may be a lonely trail, but console, not to sway the stay Smile like a child 🌹

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Jazib Kamalvi 06 August 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, J. M. K. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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