A Real Poet And Person Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

A Real Poet And Person

Rating: 5.0

Sometimes person is credited with split personality
He is best known by his integrity and quality
Still at given point of time that rattles the theory
The reasons advanced are numerous and many

Poets are referred to as not real and imaginary
They are not down to earth and true visionary
It is claimed that they are living in dreamy land
Where ships sail without water on sand

The moon will have all the beautiful shapes
Stars may have all the shines under different names
The sky may house them in basket and present
As family of beautiful objects with shadow of crescent

The Poets have heart of living man and not that of goat
Even though referred to as but presents all with fine quote
The God has given him little insight to be romantic
He or she is full of universal love and not that of fanatic

Love may naturally flow through pen or brush
He may prove idealist for ideas to push
No need to hurry up for anything or rush
No standing army required fore rebellion to crush

Do they take all fancy to ordinary persons?
Do they pulsate anything for soil and true sons?
They do have all the feelings for fellow brethren
Most of the time is occupied with main concern

What do they have in their real life to present?
A duality or real face with all the illusions absent
Do they live normal man’s life or suffer under agony?
Do they starve in whole life for the want of money?

I have probed mind several times and have something to state
It may not have been designed for them to have such a fate
Though idealistic and visionary to have realized life very late
It is not as difficult as thought over to maintain the date

In real life they do have lot many concerns to deal
So many aggravated wounds to care for and heal
How can that be done without leading a life with fake seal?
To take part in real show with only aim to cheat and steal

Oh! Still a life to lead on with great motives
To concentrate on earthly things and be selective
No matter how it can be far from real and subjective
The zeal, thrust and provocation is proactive

Freedom of expression and basic rights are no issues
Independent thoughts and presentation of reasonable views
All that vindicates the stand even though called unrealistic
The private domain may remain exclusive and very basic

Jean Dament 18 January 2011

An enjoyable read with some humor. You certainly showed the many sides of being both a poet & a person. Nicely done. I myself believe we write both a bit about ourselves along with some unreal or imaginary issues when we write our poetry. At least I do. Spiritsong

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 18 January 2011

Sometimes person is credited with split personality He is best known by his integrity and quality Still at given point of time that rattles the theory The reasons advanced are numerous and many

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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