A Love Story Poem by Aloumalove-Alouwou Mandjah

A Love Story

Rating: 5.0

A five years old boy
said to his classmate ' I love you'
after class
the little girl told her mom about it
Mom got upset and the next day
she complained to the teacher
about the little boy's attitude
the teacher setup a parents meeting
After that meeting
both parents met at the parking lot
mom's little girl went ballistic
she warned the boy's parents
to teach him good manners
both parents almost end up fighting
Here I am asking why?
Why making a big deal over something so childish?
an angelic kindergarten's love expression
with no intimate intent
What a huffy woozy world we're living in
by teaching kids not to get acquainted
not to live with each other in a civilized way
we are destroying love, we are destroying ourselves
Why hating to be civilized to be sociable?
We need love
We need Philautia kind of love
so we can reach the Agape level of love
as kernel of the universe

© Herold A. Pierre
aka Aloumalove Mandjah

A Love Story
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Dr Antony Theodore 13 March 2018

why a big deal over something so childish? an angelic kindergarten love expression with no intimate intent.....yes what a huffy world is it...... so true my dear poet..... your power of observation is really great......... tony

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Alouwou Mandjah 14 March 2018

Thanks Dr. Tony Brahmin

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