A Day With Duty And Deity Poem by Bharati Nayak

A Day With Duty And Deity

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As the dawn lifted the veil of darkness
Sunshine poured through the tree branches.
The fragrance of jasmine flower wafted in the air
Splashing cool water on my face,
I rushed downstairs
To enjoy the scenic beauty
And to pick some fresh flowers
for my home deity.
The morning birds have started tweeting
And in a nearby Jagannath temple
The priest has started chanting Mantras, while
Devotees are singing devotional songs
With accompanying' Dhol' and ‘Mrudanga'
Today is ‘Maha Visuba Sankranti', a holy festival for us
Devotees are thronging to the temple to have a Darshan of the Lord
They are holding different flowers and fruits
They take off their shoes and wash their feet
After rubbing them against a stone before entering the temple.
They are praying with great devotion.
Some are fasting on this day and take ‘Pana'
after offering it to the Lord.
I remember, when we were small
My mother being too religious,
used to do fasting on such holy days
She prepares all types of sweet delicacies
Appropriate for the occasion.
For me life has become too hectic
Now I have no time for such festivities
A guilty feeling rises in me
When I fail to celebrate the traditional functions.
I have to reach office in time
My duty calls me
I ask the Lord for forgiveness.
Then I start my day as usual with a cup of tea.
Wearing a saree and a simple jewelry
I set out for office.
On the way, I light a candle outside the temple
Bowing my head, I ask for Lord's blessings.
(N.B-1-Pana is a concoction prepared from Bel fruit, coconut, banana, cottage paneer, sugar etc.
2-Dhol and Mrudanga are musical instruments)
@ Bharati Nayak

Saturday, April 15, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: festival,celebration,religion,culture
Maha Visuba sankranti or known as Pana Sankranti is celebrated as Odia New Year.It is also celebrated as New Year in many other states of India and also in some Asian countries like Nepal, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Burma, Bangladesh though in different names.This year we celebrated Pana Sankranti on 14th April 2023.Etymologically the name is related to Visuba Rekha, the Equator.
Pallavi Tripathi 16 April 2023

For some.. work is worship. Thank you for such a detailed work on how indian festivities usually work.

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Bharati Nayak 16 April 2023

Thank you Pallabi Tripathy for stopping by and your valuable feedback.

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