A Creative Take Over Poem by Angie M..

A Creative Take Over

There was only one place
in the house
that remained
unrenovated, the laundry spot
(a cement floor deeply stained)
and an old ugly cupboard
in a seventies brown
that wobbled with touch
I feared it would fall down

Yet the spirit and I... (yay)
mastered it all in one day

But as I was painting,
pulling slivers here and there
the contractor I hired
well, he dropped my chandelier
and crystal bounced down a variety of stairs
thankfully nobody followed
(just a few of us scared)

so today, well...I believe
my creative brain is just tired
but I know my share here
yes, that is also required
so on to next week (with all keys sincere)
grateful for thought prays and enriching sermons I hear.

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