A Child's Play Poem by Alison Mujati

A Child's Play

A child's play

Not with a box of crayons
Ready to rumble like thunder
It's a tin of paint in the hands of a toddler.
A wicked combination
Just don't stop us and our fun.

A dipper dive well the splash is devastating
Let's play a mar game
With everything I touch with my tiny hands turning yellow
Hello fur of the sofa, my palm greets dark brown to yellow
Making mom want to scream
And I shrink in my mechanism to resist a slap
She notices and strength to do so turns into shame
The carpeted flow has a new touch
My little torch-lit it to golden ugliness
Just take it not,
It's a mess

Just a kind word educates me
I spoiled what mom chose to make in years in just seconds
Tears well, the urge to cry increases like a charged battery
Wait, an overspill and I'm sobbing
Wiping eyes the drama increases
I become a fairy monster
Mother comforts and contracts my colorful malady
A deeper dive. She ferries me to the shower
A trail follows with drops of yellow on the untouchable tiles
What a fracas?
She undresses me to a tiny bean seed and lets warm water run over my head.
She returns for that devastating tidying as I enjoy diluted yellow gushing to the drain
I become a monster in cleansing
Forgetting the disaster I created.
When mom returns, she all glamours a yellow monster with a bucket in her hands after a thorough scrubbing.
I smile as she looks different harmony in a blazing smile too.
It's as nothing happened
And she makes sure I'm all cleaned up
Ferries me to the bed again before tidying herself too in the bathroom

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