Bri Edwards God Poems

In the Northern Hemisphere temperatures were soaring,
and people, with NO relief in sight, ....'Pool CLOSED' signs....
were ignoring.
A cook was sweating, frying eggs on sidewalk, but she was....

When God had created fishes for the Sea,
but not yet the roots of Mankind's family tree,
He proceeded to make insects and reptilians,
including snakes, which flicked tongues from their grins.

In my youth I began to dig a hole ….
in which to bury the woes of the world.
But as I dug (some said: 'like a ‘mad' mole') ,
more and MORE worldly woes unfurled.

The answer is they DON'T;
they can, but they just WON'T.

In Garden of Weeding….

If Only God's Son....

If 'God's Son' existed once upon a time, I'd welcome Him back to share some wine. While revisiting Earth [[ it's about time! ! ]] He could 'show up' ** His Dad. He could eradicate Grime & Crime! ! Wouldn't THAT be sublime ***? .


'In the church of my Youth there was a 'Triune God':
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

I'm sitting in a coffee house,
an outcast from my home.
I brought pen and paper,
and I'll let my mind now roam.

Yes, my wife really did supply the title to me.
And, yes, she authorized the use of …the ‘G'.
[We do not claim I'm omnipotent, OR omniscient.]
About my ‘word-coincidences-power', I'll now vent.

I'm glad that God rested to end His strenuous week,
for if, instead, He had farted I'm sure the Earth would creak....,
and not just a little creak but a GREAT BIG CREAK,
so much in fact it would rock the oceans and scare the meek.

I'm sitting in a coffee house,
an outcast from my home.
I brought pen and paper,
and I'll let my mind now roam.

In Response to Belle Wassermeister's Poem, Time Is Short...[ Inspired by Belle, ' God ', and my, Bri's, Conscience *** ]

[[ In this poem, 'She' refers to God. ]]

God And The Gas Pumps...........[religion; Creation; Short]

Now I'll bet God never pumped gas into a car, nor did He check the oil.
It's hard to believe He ever worked at any gas station doing manual toil.
And yet I've thought of a link that binds gas pumps and the Man Above.
The same Guy who sent the flood to Noah. Noah's the one who sent out a dove.

I think Heaven needs a new CEO, IF........ they want my soul.
They had me in their clutches once. Now Heaven’s not my goal.
In my church they preached “God is Love” and “Jesus is the Way”.
Then, as I grew older I saw the world for what it is, and...I no longer pray.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence …
states that we're "endowed" …
with some very pleasant-sounding "rights" …
which somehow were allowed …

The U.S. Declaration of Independence …
states that we're 'endowed' …
with some very pleasant-sounding 'rights' …
which somehow were allowed …

Have you ever discussed alligators
while lying in bed with your mate?
(The Mama covers eggs with dirt and stuff,
and the eggs then incubate.)

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