Bri Edwards Depression Poems

I suppose we all can have....a “bad day”,
whether we’re at work or we’re at play.
But on “bad days” there’s still stuff to enjoy,
whether you’re a woman or man or girl or boy.

In my poem 3-Minute Novel: "Steve's Best Cellar", Steve died.
A reader disliked the ‘sadness'.I'll correct that now, or know I've tried.

In his "best cellar", a "bullet blew a hole through Steve's brain".

Steve lived alone. His wife had up and left him,
and gone away with a widowed neighbor, ...Paul.
Steve and Jane's marriage never was too great,
and their fights had increased five-fold of late.

In my poem 3-Minute Novel: "Steve's Best Cellar", Steve died.
A reader disliked the ‘sadness'.I'll correct that now, or know I've tried.

In his "best cellar", a "bullet blew a hole through Steve's brain".

In my poem 3-Minute Novel: "Steve's Best Cellar", Steve died.
A reader disliked the ‘sadness'.I'll correct that now, or know I've tried.

In his "best cellar", a "bullet blew a hole through Steve's brain".

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