Bri Edwards Death Poems

Fun-Eral....... [my Funeral; Relatives; Life And Death; Fun]

Did you ever notice, in "funeral", the much smaller word, Fun?
If there was a funeral for me, who would "from it" and who would "to it" run?
At 64 I'm overdue perhaps; why should I any longer stick around?
In our big paper dictionary, many as young or younger than I have died, I've found.

Bye-Bye Jimmy.....[nature Observations; Death; Personal]

Two days ago out our window in the morning
a unique event appeared to me without warning.
Among the trees, of our neighbor's southern slope,
I spied a large deer which I felt had little hope

My dad, God bless him, some thought was weird,
and not because he chewed tobacco and ….. had a beard.
But unlike some dads who leave raising kids up to 'Mom',
Dad parented gently, though he could be stern (while calm) .

Comfortably in my casket I was resting.
Then Tom Allport said: 'arise', [only jesting].
But, to Tom's, and Valsa's, and Stuart's surprise,
I jumped straight up three feet or more. I tell YOU no lies.

Halloween, From Birth To Death

Halloween & Birth:

A child's birth may involve suspense, fear, pain & BLOOD.
And it may seem, to mom, dad, and/or baby, a FLOOD, an

Many know the story of King Kong and his death;
kidnapped from Skull Island, he had his last breath
…as bullets from planes killed him in New York City
…where he'd been put on display.It was a City pity.

I say let me not die without agility!
Give me pills or a knife while I've ability..
to administer the blessed coup de grace.

Side ONE

Lay no flowers
at my grave.

If someday oblivion, my human past, does bury,
I'm sure for some, but not for me, it will be scary.

I'll be the lucky one; no longer will I have worries,

Will Humans die off quickly, or slowly peter out***?
I think the latter; I’ve, of that, little doubt.
I don’t mean individual humans; I mean Mankind.
They’ll peter out till …..not one human soul you’ll find.

Some days my Life just goes rambling by,
and I think, my Death, I'd now rather try.

While munching lunch, I spied a buzzing fly,

My own death I sometimes ponder.
Will I say, while dying, to ‘1st-Responder' ***:
"Just make me comfortable, if you can;
on Earth I've had a satisfactory lifespan.

Well Mom missed this day by almost nine years.
At ninety-one(?) we escorted her from this “veil of tears”.
But no tears I had the June day she passed.
Her will was NOT to live just in order to “last”.

Section The First: At my death some restrictions apply.

If in Monroe County when I die
U. of R. Med School will get me for their supply.

When, last, Bri died …….he was ignored.
Death just yawned......AND looked bored.
Bri called: 'Helllllloo! Yoohoo. I DIED.'
But Death just smiled a bit...and sighed,

I'll may cling to a Nepal Yam vine,
or a big bottle of cheap Indian wine,
but NEVER, to life, shall I, Bri, cling;
not for you, nor YOU, nor for tons of bling!

As I came out from behind a backyard bush,
where I'd gone to secretly pee,
I paused to admire its clumps of purple blossoms,
and there I spied a silent …..bumblebee.

I’ve got what many consider a strange outlook on life,
and not many think it stranger than.......does my dear wife.
At age sixty-five, by many, I’m not considered yet “old”,
but I say I’ve lived long enough! I believe it, and NOW you’ve been told.

They came from deep inside the Earth’s bowels,
spreading fear among us, worse than any ten wolves’ howls.
Their forms can change, but rarely did.
They WILL find you hiding, no matter where you’re hid.

I read in my magazine just the other day,
of nearly 800 inmates on “Death Row”. NO Way!
I don’t know if their offenses involved poison, knife, or gun,
but IF sentenced-to-death-they-ARE, “Let’s get it done! ”

People are not meant to live soooo long,
and “Don't think each day can be a song! ”
Why I'll BET in that guy’s or gal's 102 years,
medicine has come to ‘wipe away tears’.

Why do I care at all what next I do in life?
After all I'm the boss of me...though I don't say that to my wife.

Well sometimes I do care, but should it really matter?

Traces Of Me.....[short; Personal; Humor; Death]

If when I pass I leave few traces,
let me leave at least some smiling faces,
on a chosen few.

Someday when you are OLD and FEEBLE, Howard,
think of your age and feel you should have cowered..
when, each year, YOUR 'number' just kept getting BIGGER..
while Death waited at your doorstep, on His face a snigger.

When, last, Bri died …….he was ignored.
Death just yawned......AND looked bored.
Bri called: "Helllllloo! Yoohoo. I DIED."
But Death just smiled a bit...and sighed,

When, last, Bri died …….he was ignored.
Death just yawned......AND looked bored.
Bri called: "Helllllloo! Yoohoo. I DIED."
But Death just smiled a bit...and sighed,

I say let me not die without agility!
Give me pills or a knife while I've ability..
to administer the blessed coup de grace.

Orangutang died in its zoo cell.
I wonder: “Do big apes go to Hell?
Do they to Heaven reach?
Or do some go to each, …..


"…… till death do you part? "How often has that been said?
And how many have said "I do", but NOW …. wish THEY were dead;
"they" OR their spouse ……., since their faithful bond has expired?

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