RoseAnn V. Shawiak Caring Poems

Compassion And Caring

Broken spirits of women and children preying upon
minds of men who are compassionate and caring.

Wondering how to get rid of the evil demons always

A Caring Friend

Sadness has been eased a little tonight as I talked with a
friend for a few minutes on the phone.

It's amazing how a person's stress level can be lowered by

Caring With Compassion

Ridding the world of evil in order to get people to once
again care with compassion that will bring about change
in how people will treat one another.

Poor People Caring And Giving

Poverty here on earth is unnecessary and wrong, everyone
needs to do their part in getting rid of poverty, why is
it that mostly poor people are giving and caring.

Caring Doctor

Loving to be treated well, fairly and decently in life,
having found one doctor that does these things and more,
making life bearable even when unbearable.

Wanting Freedom With Love And Caring

Listening to a song that kind of tells my story,
wanting to be free yet have love and caring that
can be felt, but only for a short period of time.

Trust And Caring On A Voyage

Restlessly moving quietly through intellect, touching upon
mystical qualities of an interior spiritual life, loving
meant for we two my love.

Rhythms Of Caring And Compassion

Many recent memories being taken deeply into poems of love as they find rhythms of caring and compassion that never fade or die away.

Situations getting torn down and rebuilt once again, actually many times throughout the future, linked to one another, a
fantastic way to keep a mind on track, never getting lost.

Love And Caring, Figments Of Imagination

Life takes on meaning through family and friends, giving
of oneself in totality, never counting the cost nor ex-
pecting anything in return yet not everyone can do the
same back for you.

Not Caring One Iota

Living in an emotional period of time, filled with many
evils and corrupt people trying to take away what we
have lived and worked for all our lives.

Death Never Caring

Drying your tears of sadness with the tissue of my soul,
wanting to wipe away your sorrow, fill the emptiness
that's been left in your lonely heart.

Atmosphere Of Love And Caring

Extrasensory intuition taking in an atmosphere of love
and caring, watching silently as it grows and expands
in this room tonight.

Moments Of Caring

Moving forward into challenges of the future in our
lives, not knowing what we're going to run into.

Blindly moving into tomorrows of our lives anyway,

Thankful For Caring People

Pleasant surprises from compassionate and caring people
touch our minds and hearts in times of loss.

Grateful, thankful for those who unselfishly think of

Giving Love And Caring

Feeling the need to improve my life through helping others
around the world, bringing people to the forefront of where
they ought to be in each of our lives.

When Did Caring Stop?

Looking around, heart full of sadness, wishes,
hopes dying slowly, gradually.

Squalor of an apartment, where did it come from?

Another Caring Nurse

Being indebted to a person, caring and honorable, taking
time to help an elderly woman with her wounds and ileostomy.

Doing it on her own time, a beautiful soul that I thank God

Caring For Yourself

Sitting in a rocking chair, reminiscing about yesterday's
vibrant and agile lives we have all had when younger.

Now in senior years, disabled, a lull in energy that cannot

Selflessly Caring

Loyal and true to elements of love, yet knowing that
it is fickle and cannot be counted on to last forever.

Only a few rare cases exist of couples who truly love

Lonely Caring

Looking around, heart full of sadness, wishes,
hopes, dying slowly, gradually.

Squalor of an apartment, where did it come from?

Caring Nurses At Dr. L's.

Rushing around, back and forth down the hallway,
trying to take care of patients in an orderly

No Longer Caring

Reading my mind, abstractedly taking pictures, photographically
leaving imprints - solitary factors leading into empty spaces,
fulfilling promises of yesterday.
Leaving, saying good-bye without regrets, knowing the emptiness


Watching life form around people, beckoning them
to attend to their innate natures in God's name.

Calmly searching for meaning in every aspect of

Caring - About Yourself

Sorry as a leave you go flitting with the wind.
Everything must pass - we all have an end.
Wanting to aspire to great heights, yet waste your talent on conspiring against make-believe foes.
You have a future that only God knows.

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