Francis Duggan Believe Poems

I Do Believe In Karma

I do believe in Karma I hold it to be true
And what we do receive from life can often be our due
What goes around does come around as some are known to say
And the time does come when for our sins to Karma we must pay.

Believe Half

Believe half of what you read in magazines and newspapers for journalists and reporters tend to exaggerate
And don't believe one word that a politician utters for out of lies success they can create
And some people of course are so very gullible and they tend to believe all they hear and read
They do not seem to see through the power hungry who by their ambiguity mislead.

Facts You Should Believe

A gray haired scraggly looking fellow is all you can see
But I am not what you think I am when looking at me
You cannot look into the thoughts of my mind
Like you I too have a soul and I too can be kind.

I Believe Darwin

That many theologians disagree with Darwin's theory of evolution comes as no surprise
Since they've been indoctrinated in falsehoods and lies
But I believe Darwin though you believe whom you please
That our long dead ancestors came down off the trees.

Believe In Your God

Believe in your God if it suits you but to your God do remain true
For if for your God you wish to harm others your God will not be happy with you
For if your God is as great as you say he is for others he would not wish you to harbour hate
For inflicting injury on others is something you should not celebrate.

Must We Believe Everything They Tell Us

When this so called Coalition Of The Willing will have annexed Baghdad and Saddam will have finally met his fate
They may have parades for to honour their war heroes but will they have that much to celebrate?
Twenty five million people around the world in refugee camps
And add to that at least another three

Never Believe A Government Minister

Never believe what any Government Minister tell you for on misinformation politicians seem to thrive
They are expert at spreading of propaganda and without deception they would not survive
They create wars and give rise to racism and they know how to make an enemy
And they mostly to blame for mistrust that leads to hatred and for a lack of World harmony.

Don'T Believe Them When They Tell You

Don't believe them when they tell you it's a small World after all
For Planet Earth's a vast World and in any way not small
And though you meet some people who look you in the eye
And tell you they've been in every Country you still wonder if they lie? .

What You Believe In

What you believe in is all of the mind
Believers of myths believe pigs see the wind
Some people are not that hard to deceive
On seemingly unbelievable stories they do believe

Believe It If You Wish

Methuselah 'tis said lived to be very old
Nine centuries of years or so it has been told
Perhaps another myth as it does seem that way
Believe it if you wish or dismiss it as hearsay.

I Really Do Not Want To Believe

I really do not want to believe when i hear
That some C E O's are paid eight millions dollars a year
In a World where there is so much poverty
That does seem ridiculous would you not agree?

Though Many Believe In

Though many believe in an afterlife beyond this Earthly shore
In the World that we live in we are mortals nothing more
Like every other life form we are born for to die
The sheep or cow or dog or cat no less mortal than I.

I'M One Of Those Who In Karma Do Believe

I'm one of those who in karma do believe
And in karma what we sow we always receive
What goes around comes around rings ever true
And from life we do receive what we are due

If You Believe

'Tis not the degrees that you have to your name
And 'tis not of your financial successes or your Worldly fame
And it doesn't matter if up the ladder of success you will never climb far
It's the kind of a person that you really are.

Many Believe

Many believe when the body ceases to live that the good souls have wings to fly
To that green paradise of eternal life beyond the Universal sky
To a Land of eternal happiness to where only the good to can go
Of the existence of such a World I am not one to know.

For You Believe In Equality

With you who have your unseen God I well may not agree
But you are entitled to your beliefs and that's okay with me
I hope that makes you a better person and to your beliefs you are true
That you believe in a fair go and give everyone their due

One Can Only Believe

To live as a good woman or a good man
You can only hope to be the best you can
Be as a person and live and let live
In life they can expect to receive those who willingly give

One Can Surely Believe

You may think that better from life you are due
But to your higher self try to remain as true
Do not sacrifice your principles for money and fame
There is more to living of life than these that one can name

Good People Believe

All races of different skin pigmentation who live in this town
Take them as you find them the black, white and brown
Your race or your nationality as a person you does not define
It does not make you better than others your d n a line

Wrong To Believe

I used to believe in my mind it was true
That what we receive from life it is only our due
But on this of late i have changed my mind
That i have been wrong in some of my thinking to the fact i am resigned

You Who Believe

You who believe you are better than others will come to realize that this is not so
Though you are young now time that rusts iron as it is to all others will become your foe
Time that eventually makes everyone equal on how long you will live will have the final say
There is no difference between lifeless bodies everyone is equal where dead people lay

I Used To Believe

I used to believe if i prayed at Tubrid's Holy Well
That it would save me from the hot fires of hell
But i was quite young and quite naive back then
And sometimes innocent boys grow into cynical men

The God I Believe In

To the rights of the young and helpless i do lend my voice
In that i was baptized as a Roman Catholic i did not have a choice
To a god of any religion i no longer pray
Suppose it is each to their own or it should be this way

Those Who Believe Those Who Dress Well

Those who believe those who dress well, wear a formal suit and white shirt and nice tie
Are those we ought to look up to believe their own lie
It just goes to show how little about people they seem to know
As one's dress sense does not come with the inner glow

Most Of Them Do Believe

Good memories of them for their bravery many wish to recall
But many true heroes do not believe they are heroes at all
They say what they had done most others in their situations would do the same
And they do not welcome the glorification of fame

We Become What We Believe In

On greenies and nature lovers he revenges his mind
He looks on them as worse than subversive kind
Of progress they do keep getting in the way
He believes that for their anti industrialization behavior they should be made to pay

For What I Believe In

Who wins the September the seventh 2013 Australian Federal Election Labor or the Coalition Parties why should i even care
Since anything in common with any of them i do not have to share
Both of their policies are anti natural environment and anti refugee
So who wins or who loses will not matter to me

Those Who Believe That All People Are Equal

Those who believe that all people are equal sadly to themselves only lie
When in the World every day many of malnutrition slowly die
If everybody were equal there would be none in poverty
And since this will never be the case there will never be equality

Something On Which I Do Believe

I am one with a strong belief in Karma what we sow in life we will receive one day
If you are kind and do good things for others for this Karma will surely you repay
But if you only take from and never give to others then the seeds of bad Karma you only sow
It is a fact that poor seed does not grow to good fruit perhaps this is something everybody know

Whoever Would Believe

Whoever would believe that Winter is near
On this beautiful day for the time of year
The sun shining bright few gray clouds in the blue sky
And birds chirp and sing in the woodland nearby

Who Would Believe

Who would Believe the southern calendar Winter only seven weeks away
For Autumn and April a beautiful day
The weather sunny and warm twenty five degrees
With even a Summer type of warmth in the gentle Summer like breeze

This Is What I Believe In

I am not a muslim or hindi, christian, buddhist or jew
I am not of a religion though not one of a few
Since there are some of my sort to be found everywhere
And living in every land in the big World out there

We Need Something To Believe In

I said I don't believe in God in his Heaven or in Satan in his Hell
Or in a Limbo or in a Purgatory or on an Afterlife as well
Then what do you believe in the old bloke said to me?
His question had me perplexed as perplexed as can be

That I Do Believe In

What I receive from life is only my due
That I do believe in and hold to be true
Of my low social standing why should I complain
I take what life gives me as my deserved gain

You Have Reason To Believe

You have reason to believe that life is unfair
As you are engulfed by the gloom of despair
Trying to support your wife and your children on bare survival welfare
Yet people like you nowadays are no longer rare

They Believe Their Own Lies

On the statements most politicians do make i can only feel doubt
I can only ask myself what are they on about
The truth from the voters they are good to disguise
They do literally pull the wool over our eyes

Believe This If You May

That Jesus Christ walked on the waves of Galilee
Millions of Christians believe what they never see
Though i have seen coots running on water with my own eyes
A mere act of Nature i have come to realize

Do Not Believe Those Who Tell You

Do not believe those who tell you that crime does not pay
Major criminals among the wealthiest people in the World of today
Some known billionaires into crime in a big way
Money speaks every language as the wise one does say

You Have A God To Believe In

You have a God to believe in with me that is okay
And with your family you go to your house of worship for to pray
But does this make a better person out of you
And to your higher self are you one who is true

I Am One Of Those Who On Karma Believe

I am one of those who on karma believe
The fruits of what we sow will be ours to receive
What wrongs we do to others to karma we must pay
What goes around comes around some like to say

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