A Poet's Voice Xv

Part One

The power of charity sows deep in my heart, and I reap and gather the wheat in bundles and give them to the hungry.

My soul gives life to the grapevine and I press its bunches and give the juice to the thirsty.

Heaven fills my lamp with oil and I place it at my window to direct the stranger through the dark.

I do all these things because I live in them; and if destiny should tie my hands and prevent me from so doing, then death would be my only desire. For I am a poet, and if I cannot give, I shall refuse to receive.

A Few Words

A few words
Could bring more than a sound
Touch the ears turn wry to golden smile
or sharper than a glass to cut into pieces

Winding up a road between us
Separating emotions out of mind from the case
Would be wrong to let ego reign the grace
How ignorant sometimes heart could be?

Alone But Not Lonely

Alone but not lonely
Broke yet not poor
Down, yet not out
Smiling, but not laughing

Blessed yet not enriched
Hurting though not pained
Hearing but not heard
Risen yet not rising
Old but not elderly

Crocodile's Toothache

Oh the Crocodile
Went to the dentist
And sat down in the chair,
And the dentist said, 'Now tell me, sir,
Why does it hurt and where?'
And the Crocodile said, 'I'll tell you the truth.
I have a terrible ache in my tooth.'
And he opened his jaws so wide, so wide,
That the dentist he climbed right inside,
And the dentist laughed, 'Oh, isn't this fun?'

Love Is In My Thought

Love is blind
Love is eyed
Love is sweet
Love is bitter
Love is care
Love is hesitation
Love is bare
Love is dare
Love is peace
Love is violent

In The Sea On The Whale

In the sea on the whale
The fishermen threw a pike,
The whale: I am harmless while
You are hurting me deadly deep,
The fishermen: We wanna hurt you
We need food, oil and other material
Finding no more ways we gonna kill you
Just now killings of you are very essential,
The whale: Who'll help you in lonely ocean?
Who will keep you safe from the hungry waves?

Life Just Knocks Me Down

Some days I feel that 'life' just knocks me down,
Those harsh words said, your sharpness and your frown,
Remembering these things, what is the answer - how
Can I shake off those hurting actions now,
With each one forever chipping at my soul,
Sending me deep into this consuming hole
That I have carved into my life, when you
Departed for some other avenue.

I face this question with each day I greet,

The Last Drop

Oh! Where’s it for our crops?
We need the river water drops.
Where’s it for our thirst to clear?
Where are the tears, are they near?

Oh no! It doesn’t fit,
Our little river has become a pit.
Oh! We would lose our corn
Then what would we do just mourn?

They Say Dreams Never Do Come True.

They say dreams never do come true..
But they are wrong, I say they do
I dream of violence, I dream of hurt
I dream of children, they live in dirt
I dream of you, I dream of me
I dream of how this was never meant to be
I dream of my feelings, I dream of my thoughts
I dream of these things, I dream of them lots
I dream of my loved ones, I dream of the dead
I dream of these thoughts, exploding my head

Getting Back Up

Life is a bright, long star boulevard,
Where you get good, when you work hard.

But Life is not a fantasy,
or just a love that's shared between thee'
It's a battlefield of broken goals,
A purple sky with empty souls.
The city streets with littered trash,
the wild fire left with ash.

A Higher Being

If you believe in a higher being
And you know he sees it all
You go forward wth a confidence
Whether you rise or fall

If you believe that every lifetime
Is to learn and help you grow
The evolution of each person
The higher being comes to know

Wild With All Regrets

(Another version of "A Terre".)

To Siegfried Sassoon

My arms have mutinied against me -- brutes!
My fingers fidget like ten idle brats,
My back's been stiff for hours, damned hours.
Death never gives his squad a Stand-at-ease.
I can't read. There: it's no use. Take your book.

A Terre (Being The Philosophy Of Many Soldiers)

Sit on the bed. I'm blind, and three parts shell.
Be careful; can't shake hands now; never shall.
Both arms have mutinied against me,-brutes.
My fingers fidget like ten idle brats.

I tried to peg out soldierly,-no use!
One dies of war like any old disease.
This bandage feels like pennies on my eyes.
I have my medals?-Discs to make eyes close.
My glorious ribbons?-Ripped from my own back

Innocence Regained

I was visibly moved and perturbed
Out of gear completely and disturbed
Mind so much occupied and probed,
Hair straight up as if not combed,

The moment childhood was over
Innocence and good smile lost the cover
Fight for survival and supremacy gained,
All sort of indecency settled in mind and regained

Lonesome Heart

The mighty oak I see outside
It's roots are deep and long
It will live a hundred years
And bend when winds are strong

I sometimes feel I can't go on
Losing you is hurting me
I sometimes wish late at night
I had the strength of that old tree


My father is dead.
I who am look at him
who is not, as once he
went looking for me
in the woman who was.

There are pictures
of the two of them, no
need of a third, hand
in hand, hearts willing

A Thing Of Beauty

Staring at nothing in a dreamy distrait
when she started humming
her mesmerizing lilt
how many hearts went distraught?

Her eyes like deep ocean blues
treasure how many lovely clues
wooing many a craving beau.

When she laughed in rejoice

Be Gentle With Words

Anger is directly proportional to the opponent
Yes it’s true we fight with the feeble
Today I saw this man shout and curse

I have known him for years, he is a rat
Only can speak behind peoples back
His gestures now is forever worse

Why can’t people control anger when put to test
Hurting words, that you can never reverse

Fake Smile

They ask me what's wrong
I say I'm OK
I don't want them to worry
Tomorrow is another day
Happy it may not be
I'll wear a fake smile
They will know something is wrong
If they don't see me in awhile
Maybe someone I should tell
I'm just hurting


Life has ups
Life has downs
Life is sad
Life is happy
Life is hurting
Life is healing
Life is loving
Life is losing
LIfe is pain
Life is comfort