The Convergence Of The Twain


In a solitude of the sea
Deep from human vanity,
And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.


Steel chambers, late the pyres

~ Désespoir! Pourquoi? ~

~ Désespoir! Pourquoi? ~
Ms. Nivedita
28 March,2010

When you call me
Love finds efflorescence why?

When you echo in my soul
Surge of plaudit effulgence why?

~ Sedation Of Salvation ~

~ Sedation Of Salvation ~
Ms. Nivedita
4 July,2010
Humble Note:

[1] Dispassionate Karma: Without being attached to the fruits of activities, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme [a.k.a Salvation]

[2] Passionate Karma: Antithesis to above

Convergence Of The Twain


In a solitude of the sea
Deep from human vanity,
And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.


Steel chambers, late the pyres
Of her salamandrine fires,

Face Masks/Face Veils, The Same Thing

Masks prose without links

When last I visited India almost a decade ago
I recall riding on my brother's scooter
as he drove me around town,
And I saw fully veiled Muslim women
half their faces veiled, masked in Niqab
driving scooters, motorbikes, mopeds and motorcycles.
I also recall some women also covering half their faces with their dupattas

Twilight Broodings

Sitting alone on the river bank
In the fast fading amber light
My eyes glanced across the flowing river
To the other side, on my right

Neon bulbs have begun flickering here n' there
On the far fringes of the sprawling city,
As fire flies clustering in dozens
Making the night look so pretty

! Where I Belong !

I want to go back to my origin where I belong
essentially to satiate my soul
one homecoming on a realm where
soil blends a fragrance most like the earth
air on its gasp sense pure essence and
rivers know where to flow in order,
mountains and meadows know
well the miasma of a new born dawn
and earthen autumn burnt up
colors horizon knows to paint in style


'Solitude'-the word despicable
for some,
precludes socializing,
devoid of bond,
bereft of unity.

But a loner receives 'solitude'
on a welcome note.
She savours the succulent solitude
till the last morsel.

! Humanitarianism

Religion & Atheism are like the two sides of the coin,
Atheism preaches reason & rationale;
Belief & faith are the essence of religion of mine,
Both are adversaries having treasure of reason & morale;

World is in balance when they are in friendship;
when all preach & practice love and common sense,
Religion finds reason in the unquestioned worship;
Atheism is the strong reason of the people themselves;

Spectrum Of Nature

I can see the sun,
I Can see the moon,
I can see the stars,
I can see the Milky Ways,
I know my eyes cannot see the source of nature
flowing like a river to an unknown sea,
floating like ships in an endless ocean.
When it started?
Who knows?
Like space time too has no boundaries!

***light Of Living***

</>stark reality is ripple to flow
though blue to spruces up to hue
dream differs from inevitability
distinctive impulse is no truth of god

night lays beck with hope of tomorrow
as darkness blankets light to black
sorrow is never only texture of destiny
joy comes on its way to enlighten path of journey

Pollock's 'Convergence' In The Eyes Of Richard Milhous Nixon



A Poemhunter.Com: Convergence Of Poets

Many poets of various races and cultures,
Around the world indulge in variable adventures.
Rich and poor, young and old alike do converge,
Vie for freedom of expression and support in surge.
In this inspirational urge is fulfilled,
Nowhere else do most poets find solace so thrilled.

More dreamers discover a haven,
Only here do most gain acceptance, thus enliven.
Real talents flow like river of myriad sentiments,

The Journey

i drive to its height
unbuckle my seat belt
walk to the edge and
choose a comfy pose
leaning back to let the sun
feed my face with
worshipful warmth
of a titanic vistarama
valley view

Pollock's 'Convergence' In The Eyes Of Alice B. Toklas




Oh Poor Cardinal (Senryu)

Oh poor cardinal
Lost its life, highway Fifteen
Hitting my windshield.

The sun is rising
Unlucky bird is flying
My car is running.

Suddenly, I'm sad
Because of dead convergence


Why are you afraid of deviations?
It’s a natural phenomenon,
When medium is changed light deviates,
And the seven beautiful colors,
Appear as a beautiful rainbow,
Plurality is the offshoots of singularity,
Let these colors play their roles,
On the day of convergence,
There will be no color,
The rainbow will be converged at the focus.

Immeasurable Dream

Your dream is existent.
It is a galactic spin;
it is electric, rhythmic,
resonant, and lunar,
a red Skywalker.
You're never present
in this dream of yours∽
a complex analysis of
your image in the mirror.

&quot;Jarring Disjuncture&quot;

As wide asunder from pole to pole
My Eastern and your Western
in jarring disjuncture I am breaking
laying to rest the yawning divide.

East is East and West is West
and never the twain shall meet.
In dissonant chords and yodeling voices
My North I cede to your South.

Blind Faith Aficionados

I wish I show these Phony clerics,
Spiritual dharm gurus, pastors
Maulanas and Mullanis their place
Give them a tight ear ringing slap
For their duplicity and lip service
Tie them to the shaft at the convergence point
And show these blind faith aficionados
The finish of these bogus counterfeit mystic
Torch them live and cover them
For their twofold dealings.