Sadashivan Nair

Sadashivan Nair Poems

Drops like dew from sky,
Fall tip tip slowly,
Lands on ground;
Tipsy odour of petrichor,

Blooming Valley,
Drizzling clouds;
Shimmering holy cascade
of highland peaks;

Learned to live with negative...
Learned to endure pain of hurt,
it's now a friend,
does not hurt,

‘O’ my angel of paradise,
Is this thy lips,
or is this rose;
Thy tears are sorbet,

Love was once on sale,
Long queue waiting their turn,
Buy one and get one free;
With notice 'terms and

Who am I, Why am I
I don’t know;
Got air, water and gleam,
Got body food and milk,

I am a woman
Not much I need from you;
Except some blissful moments,
To live with for rest of life;

You bore seed in womb,
Waited for first glimpse of me,
Gave a chance to live in world,
Gave a chance to embrace

A true friend of mine,
Follows me day and night;
A shadow in gloom,
Odor of savor in glee;

Hey ye sun,
I am your son,
I rain, rain and rain,
Hover over vales and hills,

World is so beautiful,
But view through dazzling eyes;
Supple heart softens,
Kneels before the virtues,

In this world upside down,
When I go right,
Find nothing is 'right';
No serenity, No sanctity,

Time unknown often tests me,
Don't know When and how;
Precious life saving water,
One day contoured itself Ghoulishly,

Hey! poverty,
'O' poverty,
You are boon;
You exist,

Finally it is attraction,
That drives us derive;
When derived,
Reach in acquiescent stage;

It was morning sunshine day,
Chilled winter teasing breeze,
Bracing my soul and heart,
I was fresh doing my yoga in the park,

O' dear daughter in law...Sweetest daughter in Law,
A future mother in law too;
For me you are princess from heaven,
Remember your first day, first step in home,

Stone does not know,
Its loved by all,
it's a diamond, precious stone,
Metal doesn’t know,

Mirror deceits,
when you look in it;
Trust in faith,
shall show what you are;

This womb is too small,
Suffocating gloomy tiny space,
Pushing me towards doorway,
Desperately waiting enter new world,

Sadashivan Nair Biography

Was Lava fire ball erupted and broke away from Sun the first stage of Earth? Over the time magnetic field of the fire ball attracted and pulled dust particles and gas overlapped to form real Earth. Do we exist due to planetary reactions or some thing else? Why for any energy, reaction of negative and positive factors so essential? Is variation of human behavior due to comprising different energy fields? Why some are introverted and some extroverted? What is evolution how we developed from monkey to human? Why other species did not evolve as fast as we? These may sound silly but each of us has or had once thought of it though it is silly. Such silly point sometimes gives birth to invention and discovery. What is Civilization? What is Culture? What is Religion? What is Love? What is Romance? What is Art? Why sex is so attractive? What drives us towards sexual behaviour. The quality of the characteristic that draws the attention and drags towards it is called Attraction. What is Sex and attraction? What is carnal attraction? Why situation creates stress in us? What is mind? What is education and its purpose? These questions puzzled me many times which tempted me to travel and study human and their behavior.)

The Best Poem Of Sadashivan Nair

Drops Like Dew From Sky

Drops like dew from sky,
Fall tip tip slowly,
Lands on ground;
Tipsy odour of petrichor,
Stimulates ambiance sexy;
Tiny plants rise above,
The shells cracking open;
Seek fresh moist and bloom;
Breeze flows in tinge,
Cool magical music,
As if saying,
'Feel my touch, if you can';
Entire ambiance turns on;
Stimulates my soul
In dark cloudy nights;

© Sadashivan Nair

Sadashivan Nair Comments

Sadashivan Nair Quotes

There is always a life beyond, Never think it is end, The end is for new life

What we do, give, take, all for one reason. 'satiety.'

Things fade over time but virtues of deeds prolog life long-long

Don't waste your time judging others, Give them what you have so they learn.

Who gives hope to the society a is leader. Begins a lead and people follow.

Don't annoy anyone. Don't know who shall accompany during bad days

Hard work alone is no criteria for achievements. Growth comes when you target right thing at right time at right place. And attempts till luck is on your side

Success! Always success is like losing each time, because you don't experience other side of life

A Fruit tastes nothing first... Then sour and sour/sweet, becomes sweet purely... Sweetness when reaches extreme begins to rot... Ends up landing on land finally... Gives its seeds to land... Land a mother Fertiles and nourishes till forms tree... So can bear and feed fruit again... This is the love story of plants/trees and land... With rest similar but a different story... Through out life, seek energy as food and breath... When depart give back whatever has... Depth of connection is like mother and child... Don't underestimate togetherness, are meant for each other... We need them, they need us... Respect the forest and land.

Your sufferings, Your pain, are your own can't inflict on others. But share with closest as their company can give strength to bear and words can console

Fire (spark) is reaction, produced by friction of two substances in negative and positive (opposite) directions. Fire seeks help of substance for its extension. It is the substance that helps fire to become furious. So intensity of fire depends on power of substances. Just Imagine, spark is bad economic & politicsl Governance and substance is poverty/inequality

A word that slipped out of tongue represents your mentality. A word out of mouth reflects your identity, What you inend and think about others. Be careful before saying, it is your impression on others

You become strong not by showing power But by surviving pain

There is always a life beyond, Never think it is end, The end is for new life, 

When you think lost all hopes, Never worry yet, because, end of hope opens door to new.

I am what I am, It makes me I; 

The ‘contentment' is an emotional phenomenon rises from inside by fulfilling the aspiration to tranquil identity or other word ‘soul'.

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