The Inevitable Eternity Poem by Tsbiyah Bat Yah

The Inevitable Eternity

The Inevitable Eternity
Your searing simmer sizzling down the cobblestone of collarbone. To the inroads and valleys of hip and torrid inner thigh. Bringing me to a rolling boil. A zealous broil bubbling over the brim of injustice. Administering conflagrant bruises along my jaw line. Your kisses perching as they settle scolding the source. Singeing lip. You grant me with prominent blisters igniting cutaneous flames. Insertions of passion ablaze. The caliente of your cayenne pepper cooking in my crucible. Humid hysteria humbling my wildfire. Drenched in your propane, Cupids inferno torches me in comeuppance. The calcification of my Phoenix scorching. Cremation initialized in my seething chamber of sauna. Your palms leaving second degree burns branding the small of back, & I wear it like badge of honor. Engulfing my avenues with white liquid molten. Smoldering circumspect of furious red orange & yellow hues. My structures collapsing due to the friction from our frenzied bodies striving together, only to conduct more steam. Damming us to incendiary hell. Dying a thousand sweet deaths. Then stillness. We lie in a bed of smoking ashes and ember remains. Rapid oxidation of our material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion. Flustering fever of released heat in hot pursuit. The scent of you survives in the crevices of my debris.

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