The Falling Snow Poem by Mark Heathcote

The Falling Snow

Rating: 4.5

From my home beneath your window
By sight I love you
By divinity, I kiss you
By touch, I embrace you
By my devotion, I join you
By all that I am, I worship you
By heavenly bodies I perceive you
From my home beneath your window
In adoration, I melt away like the falling snow.

The Falling Snow
Friday, August 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Kumarmani Mahakul 16 August 2019

From the big sight love is transferred. From the big site love is bloomed. By touch time is life embraced. From home beneath window the divinity of sparking of love is very well noticed. Like falling snow you melt by getting touch of light and we too melt. The great divine imagery perceived from your home is beautifully presented...10

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Mark Heathcote 30 August 2019

Many, many thanks are due, Kumarmani Mahakul, it's much appreciated.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 August 2019

In second visit I found that this poem has been selected as the member poem of the poem of the day. Thanks and congratulations.

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Sy Wong 30 August 2019

Congratulations Mark, what a wonderful His window..Love and adoration...Heaven..thanks for sharing.

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Mark Heathcote 30 August 2019

Thank you kindly sy Wong, I am pleased you enjoyed it.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 January 2022

Fullest 5 Stars on TOP and to My Favourites, This poem represents your deep feelings from your inside heart. Truly a gem

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 January 2022

No matter what date this heart touching poem has been read, it remains a most valuable creation from your golden heart, I have no words for this utterance of greatness from your inside, I like your poem very much, Truly I lack words for this fascinanting love poem

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Cynthia Deon 30 August 2019

Very beautiful. Deep feelings are embedded in each line.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 30 August 2019

A wonderful poem of the day. Congrats, Mark on your featured piece..10+++

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Ratnakar Mandlik 30 August 2019

Fantastic conceptualization. Well deserving poem of the day. Heartiest Congratulations.

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