The Day - Part 2 Poem by Nikhil Parekh

The Day - Part 2

the day she sobbed with unsubsiding hysteria,
i would try and assassinate the reason for her agony from its very existent roots.

the day she slept barefoot; bearing the tumultuous onslaught of winter winds,
i would cover her trembling body with furry skin of mountain bear.

the day she bruised her skin; with prolific streams of blood oozing out,
i would kiss it with passionate warmth; leaving it for it to heal with bonds of our omnipresent love.

the day she sequestered herself in realms of isolation,
i would make her violently laugh to exit from vigils of solitary boredom.

the day she sneezed incessantly; with heat soaring to Herculean proportions in her body,
i would prepare sizzling hot cupfuls of incense tea; for her to get some respite.

the day she complained of her temples throbbing,
i would massage her scalp with deft strokes of my palm.

the day she giggled freely with a pack of lecherous strangers,
i would scold her for betraying me; with my anger rising to unprecedented limits.

the day she seemed exhausted to raise her feet,
i would hoist her on my shoulders to make her witness the outside world.

the day she screamed at me for arriving late,
i would try and pacify her anger by tickling her vociferously.

the day she seemed hapless while knitting me a sweater,
i would try and execute fervent attempts to solve her dilemma.

the day she was struck viciously by deathly fangs of the garden snake,
i would extract the venom with my teeth; bringing her back to consciousness.

and the day she said she wanted to terminate our relationship; leaving me forever,
i would simply have no other option but to die.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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