Supremacy Of Democracy - A Poem For President Trump Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Supremacy Of Democracy - A Poem For President Trump

Dear Mr. President Trump,
you are the man who has everything,
you even became a President of America
as per the prophecy of your own destiny;
you made the world turn eyes around
with every act and every word you spoke.

Whenever you went to meet any leader
whether it was Kim Yongor Narendra Modi
you made friends without hesitation or compulsion;
you upheld world peace like awhite dove
you were the best President America could ever have.

Yet they blamed you for everything and anything,
they even pointed out that the Covid surge
was your responsibility when the virus itself
was so imposing and inflicting,
it was not your fault;
even the killing of any black men by the policemen
was not your fault;
they called it racism;
they never understood you were always so American
so protective and so patriotic.
yet, they would blame you for anything that happened
though you were not involved.

Mr. President Trump,
in my eyes you are a true hero,
you kept a loyal friendship with my country,
you kept terror away from every door and nation;
without you and your boldness
there never would have been anyone better
who without a war but with words negotiated
peace dealsand understanding.

Today you lack nothing,
you have huge hotels and golf courses,
expensive planes and limousines
which very few can possess,
and even if luck and fortune supports them
in abundance,
richest men never opt to be Presidents
as wealth keeps them so busy and elated
but you made America feel more valuable.

Can any American President ever be like you -
so charismatic, bold andbrave, altogether?
As a President you have done so well,
you should feel proud of yourself,
I myself feel so proud of you;
now, it is time you look after your own health
which is your greatestwealth;
have a good time with your family and friends,
invite me for a coffee and send me your jet,
I will be so honored to greet you.

And as you promised to make America great
let it shine as a greatest democracy
of the people, by the people and for the people;
so let go those complexities ofhopes,
let Biden take over the ropes,
let him do what others think he will do for them;
let him honor all his promises and fulfill those dreams
which he has placed in the eyes of the people.

But in my vision I will always hold you in high esteem
cause though you are a billionaire
you were still a humble man
who entrusted himself to serve his nation.
Bravo O Trump Bravo,
in the history of America
you will remain unforgotten
as you were the only president
so full of enthusiasm and valor
so full of cheer and chivalry.

Supremacy Of Democracy - A Poem For President Trump
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