Rama Series Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

Rama Series

Rama Series (Written in continuation of, in commemoration) / O, Singer of Rama, Strange Singer! People Will Go Away, But Your Song Will Remain It Here/ Song of Rama/ Strange Singer of Rama

I do not write the poems keeping in view the epical formats, but the poems get tagged to naturally to take the canvas and length of epical poems and so the case is with my Rama poems which I have been intermittently to discharge my emotions and feelings just as a compensation for from time to time to recuperate and to recover from tragedy and trauma felt in the aftermath of the loss of lives. How to console the broken self? Where to gather moral strength? How to repair the damage? The haunted houses dilapidated and lying as mouldering heaps of debris and rubble with the input phantom listeners listening and whispering, where to go leaving them? Death is a great leveller and time is the best healer, how to ignore them? My end, I know it well, there is none to be by my side. I do not want to waste my precious time just after engaging with words and if there is something to read and say to, say you definitely passing them on and if not, keep them aside branding it rubbish. And with this, thanks, let me take leave of you!
- - -Bkd

The Prologue

They Also Sing The Songs of Rama Who Sing In Whispers

They also sing the songs of Rama
Who sing in whispers,
They also are the devotees of Rama
Who sing it silently
Away from public gaze,

Thy also sing the songs of Rama
Who sing in whispers
The songs of Rama from far
Who we know it not
Who they are, who the strange singers of Rama!

Hey, You, O, What Are You Singing? , When Asked, Said He Feebly, The Song of Rama

When I approached him
Listening to the song
Which he had been
With so much zest and devotion
And delight
Felt he perturbed
And started retreating,
But I dared ask him,
Hey, hey, you,
What, what are you singing? ,
Into whose response
Came it the feeble answer,
The song,
The song of Rama,
The song of Rama,
He sang the song
Which but heard I
And after singing the song
from the hazy domain
Went he away,
Went he away that singer,
That singer of Rama
For whom still weep I,
Break I down!

O, Singer of Rama, Singer of Rama, Go You Not Away!

O, singer,
Singer of Rama,
Before you go away,
Sing, sing the song
Before you go, go away
Sing, sing you the song,
Song of your Rama,
O, singer,
Singer of heart
Sing, sing you
Before you go away
Making me hear, hear it!

O, singer,
Singer of Rama,
Your song I knew it not,
Heard it not,
Came it not to feel
That you,
You too a singer,
A singer of Rama,
A strange but silent singer,
Singer of Rama!

I do not know
Who you are,
What it your identity,
What my connection,
Connection with you,
What my relationship,
Relationship with you
As you come it near not,
Sing, sing you from far,
From far
But appear to be,
To be my own!

As I can see,
See the tears,
Tears trickling,
Trickling down the cheeks,
Teardrops falling,
Falling through
And you,
You lost,
Lost in singing,
Singing the songs the of Rama,
All but silently,
But so melodiously.

As introduce, introduce you not,
Who, who you are,
What, what your identity
Just from far,
From far
Keep you,
Keep you singing,
Singing the song,
The song of Rama
With so much of zest,
So much tearfully,
O, my love,
My heartbroken love
So much forlorn and forsaken!

The Body

O, Singer! Singer of Rama! Sing You! Sing You!

O, singer,
Singer of Rama,
Sing you, sing you
The songs, songs of Rama!

And as thus go you singing
Refreshing my love
Which I have in my heart
For you, for you!

O, singer,
Singer of heart,
Singer of soul,
I can feel, feel!

The pain of your heart,
Your heart and soul
That you how far from me,
That you...

O, soul,
O, spirit,
Departed soul,
Departed spirit!

O, singer,
Singer of heart,
O, singer,
Singer of soul,
The Holy Spirit!

Whenever disturbed and morose,
I turn, turn to you,
To you,
O holy singer,
Singer of Rama!

They also sing the songs of Rama
Who sing in whispers,
They too the pious men,
Devout fellows!

O Singer of Rama!

O singer,
Singer of Rama,
Sing you,
Sing you the song of Rama!

A Poor Soul He Was But A Unique Singer of Rama

A poor soul
He was but a unique singer,
Singer of Rama,
The songs of Rama!

So distraught
And dishevelled in life,
Broken and devastated
A poor singer,
Singer of Rama!

Singing the song,
The song of Rama
With so much delight,
So much pain!

When smiled he, smiled I
And clapped with
Singing the song,
The song of Rama
In zest.

But when wept he, wept I
Hearing his song,
Seeing him weeping

With tears into the eyes of mine,
I trying, trying to console
The broken self of the singer,
The singer of Rama!

O, singer,
Singer, weep you,
Weep you not,
My brother,
Weep, weep you not!

Break you not down
Wiping the tears said I,
Said I to console him,
Weep, weep you not!

Stopped he,
Stood he still speechlessly
And thereafter went, went away
That singer, singer of Rama!

Wiping the tears,
Wiping it himself,
That singer,
That singer of Rama!

Wiping the tears,
Wiping and singing
The song,
The song of Rama!

The traveller from far,
The strange singer of Rama,
That very mysterious singer,
Singer of Rama!

Rama, I Knew It Not, Krishna, I Knew It Not

Rama, I knew it not,
Krishna, I knew it not,
Just said it,
Said it by the way,
Taking it otherwise
That I knew,
Knew it Rama,
That, that I Krishna,
But Rama not my Rama,
Krishna not my Krishna.

But the utmost devotion
With which people love him
Stood it yours,
Only yours,
Rama is not my Rama,
Krishna not my Krishna,
It is not in outward show,
But in the innermost recesses
Of human heart.

I just boasted it,
Boasted among
That I knew it Rama,
Knew it Krishna,
But Rama is Rama,
Krishna Krishna,
How could I,
Could I
A small man
And can,
Can one the Unknowable?

The Epilogue

O, Singer!

O singer,
Your Rama will remain
Your Rama,
Your Krishna
Your Krishna,
O singer,
None can,
None can
The love,
Love of your heart,
None can,
None can
Your zest,
Zest of singing!

You Went On

You went on,
Went on singing,
Singing and singing,
Singing the songs
Of Rama,
Rama and Krishna,
Krishna and Rama
With so much zest,
So much delight,
Joy and pleasure,
But the wide world,
The wide world knew it,
Knew it not the pains of yours,
The pains of your heart,
Your heart and singing
What it ailed,
Ailed you and your heart,
What it marauded and maligned you,
You and your self,
Poor self
The world,
The world knew,
Knew it not!

O Singer of Rama, Strange Singer of Rama!

People will come,
People will go away,
But your song,
Song of Rama
Will remain,
Remain it here,
The song,
The song of Rama,
Rama and Krishna,
Krishna and Rama
Will remain,
Remain it her,
O singer,
Singer of Rama,
Rama and Krishna!

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