Painter Thought Felt Meant? Poem by Terence George Craddock

Painter Thought Felt Meant?

Rating: 4.9

artist painter
are you alone
in your mind
painting pictures?

later will come
flocks tourists
to graze upon
your lent landscapes?

later will come
sightseers to feed
upon raw images
you splash upon pages?

later will come
revisionists to tell
public what
painter thought

felt meant?

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Terry Craddock 04 February 2014

I was one of the defiant declined scholar chains, I had opinions, based with reason quotes, choose exam questions, university lectures with care. Especially listened read original prose poetry, weighed the words :) Many times we had these conversations; may there be many more :)

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Terry Craddock 04 February 2014

Yes Michael many times we have been told what words meant, sometimes the tellers even get it right :) The artist knows, critics perceive or invent, readers rare take words which echo with truth into their souls; for such readers we write :)

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Michael Riley Shutt 03 February 2014

The same can be said of poets, Terry. Great work.

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Miroslava Odalovic 04 February 2014

later will come revisionists to tell public what painter thought felt meant? Yea, welcome to the age of interpretation :) Create Collaborate Present first define and then command few have as yet defiant declined an invitation to scholar chains frame framed the refrain create collaborate present reverberate elaborate evaporate they sent we went we were spent too cheaply still dearly paid for uni certi -ate -ation crussade Miroslava Odalovic

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Cui Gya 14 December 2020

I got some point of resonance, so translate it: 感知画家之思? 画家 你是一个人 在用心 成画? 稍后会来 成群结队的游客 在你绘的风景里 放羊? 稍后会来 觅食的看客 在你的草图上 乱翻? 稍后会来 修正主义者 向公众告知 画家所想 有何意?

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Kumarmani Mahakul 28 September 2020

Artists or painters, they are very amazing really. This is difficult to understand their thought unless they paint it on canvas. An artist should be respected. This poem is very nicely and interestingly penned with much beauty and emotion.! ...5 stars!

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Terry Craddock 04 September 2020

Words Ripple With Vision Sight we paint with words the canvas the page ripple with vision sight Copyright © Terence George Craddock Written in February 2017 on the 1.2.2017.3 abc Written as a reply to a comment by the poet Mj Lemon, about the poem 'Painter Thought Felt Meant? ' by Terence George Craddock.

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Mj Lemon 23 January 2017

A great poem, and a cautionary tale. I think someone who can read, I mean comprehend, tries his or her best to avoid ascribing meaning to literature. Instead, the effort is made to unlock the meaning the author wishes to impart. There may not always be success, and at times the literary destination may prove too difficult a journey, but the effort is worth much more than any mere speculation. What the writer intends is....what your painter also seems to be aiming at. A great piece.

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Terry Craddock 01 February 2017

we paint with words, the canvas the page, ripple with vision sight

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Weldon Davis 31 December 2015

Dug the poem..Immediately; like Michael I thought of poets and the way they paint canvases with words (Such as you so eloquently do) bu

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