OFTEN TIMES Poem by Nora-Eugenie Gomringer


One time the farmer danced so wildly in the mud that the calf was frightened
One time I took castor oil and lost the child
One time she ran after a man who absolutely didn't want her
One time I wanted to shake an apple from the tree and ten fell on my head
One time a soldier came and when I went to shake his hand, I saw that he had none
One time blood rushed to her face when she was meant to dance a Dashing White Sergeant with the sergeant
One time she peed standing up to warm her feet on the icy cold meadow
One time a table of cakes stood there and the whole house smelt of memories because she wouldn't bake any more
One time he called me by the name of my sister
One time the farmer was so tired he fell asleep on my sister in the cowshed
One time I told the teacher what happened at home on the farm
One time she came to visit One time and never again
One time I shook out the duvets and the feathers swirled through the air like in the fairy tale
One time she said she wanted to visit our brother in town and the farmer said maybe
One more time he said maybe
One more time she asked
One time I drew a large dog and smudged its outlines because it is important to remain unpredictable
One time a letter arrived for my sister and the farmer read it aloud in her room, the farmer read very slowly
One time I held a hand in the darkness, it was warm and soft
One time our mother was here and drank whisky with the farmer
One time their hands touched as they did so, soon after she packed her bag and left without waiting for me
One time I came home to an empty house, I had never been happier
One time a dog fell into the slurry pit
One time the hunter had to come, he too drank whisky
One time my sister said she could run like the wind
One time the window was open before everyone in the house was awake, the wind wafted in
One time I stood in my nightdress, it was very early, and I gazed after my sister, the way she ran like the wind
One time I placed milk, bread, whisky on the table
One time he touched me, said words I didn't understand, showed me secrets
All at once I was and remained my sister, replaced from time and time again one person with another
One more time I saw the glow worm in the glass, became my sister once again
One time my brother then: the wind

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