Mother(Mother' Day 2020) Poem by Prabir Gayen

Mother(Mother' Day 2020)

Rating: 5.0

(mother' day 2020)

Love is the deepest universe,
The deepest wire of feelings,
unfathomably deep silence,
Love is gratitude and untold,
No one can express it with voice.

Mother is our real world,
The umbrella over our life,
The root of our existence,
Once mother is no more
The world shrinks into naught.

Mother is beyond attribute,
No word can measure the heart
Of a mother and it's fragrance,
Mother is divine in human form,
Mother is heaven and beyond.

There is nothing like mother-like,
There can never be an alternative,
All the holy rivers around the world
blow beneath the feet
of a mother, the whole sky too,
Mother is the seed of existence,
Nay; really the existence itself.

The divine from timeless existence
comes into being only to enjoy
the sweetness of Love
Care and sanctity of a mother,
Mother is higher than Divine too.

Father, mother and God are synonymous,
When father is a moving star,
mother is a calm mountain,
With infinite space beyond thought,
A mother is the salt of the earth,
Nay; the earth that expands every moment,
A mother is sweeter than God Himself.

Selfless; weightless a mother is,
a mother is a supreme warrior,
The struggle of life is nothing to her,
She can do anything for her little one,
For a better life for her children
She can die a thousand times,
A mother is a living God with aura of love
and unusual sacrifice.

Love to mother is love to Almighty,
The smile of a mother is everywhere,
In the face of the rising and setting Sun,
The dark sky and the shinning Moon,
In the dewdrop and the tip of grass,
In the foggy morning and pensive evening,
From the earth to twinkling stars,
The milky ways and blue expanses,
A mother is finite and infinite
for her Love bottomless and abysmal,
Absolute manifestation of Absolute.

Every scripture be like
Bible or Gita,
Koran or Tao, Buddhism or
Jainism does proclaim the gospel
Of Love in the serene soul of a mother,
Mother's Love is like
the coldness Of the forest,
Flowing like the stream,
Strong like mountain peak,
Vast like endless sky.

A Mother is a mountain
Full of wild flowers and plants,
In sheer poorness She becomes
the daughter of the earth
and with rarity of being
she practices sternness.

The deepest part of life force,
The absolute form of austerity,
A mother is a mother
with prodigious intelligence,
From micro to macro She lives
as subtle source of luster,
A mother is the coolness of the ocean,
Flood or famine she stands like
Cold image of Nature,
Equilibrium of divine forces.

A mother is the tranquil spirit of nature,
With deep power of Sufferance
She gives birth her child and with deep Immolation
She makes her life square and complete,
Slowly and steadily she becomes
the setting sun with dim delight,
A mother is beyond logic and reason,
a profound stillness in a deep oceanic vastness.

In the soft shadow of Love
A son or a daughter finds the soothing
song of painless Joy,
A mother is like April shower in hot summer day,
A soft summer in deluge,
Spring in serve winter,
A monsoon with refreshing breeze,
Calm and serene Autumn is strong gush of Wind,
Storm comes and goes and
Mother guards her offsprings with
Calm mood of mellow smile.

The giver of light and truth,
The giver of black night and stars,
The days with stunning views
and beauty of Silent stream of Joy,
The night with supernal luminosity,
The destroy of evil with pure light
of knowledge and wisdom,
A mother is a soothing Joy,
The world of peace and prosperity,
Poor or rich a mother has no division,
The sun the moon and the numerous stars
are the ornaments of Mother,
Incomparable is the world of things and spirit,
Without mother one has no world to live
and no hope for liberation,
Love and devotion to mother
is the ultimate route to Almighty,
A mother is God in disguise.

@prabir Gayen:
11 May,2020,1: 14 AM.

Me Poet Yeps Poet 11 May 2020


0 0 Reply
Prosanta Mondal 11 May 2020

Mother is our real world, The umbrella over our life, The root of our existence, Once mother is no more The world shrinks into naught.

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Prabir Gayen 16 June 2020

Love and devotion to mother is the ultimate route to Almighty, A mother is God in disguise.

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 20 June 2020

Love is the deepest universe, The deepest wire of feelings, unfathomably deep silence, Love is gratitude and untold, No one can express it with voice///

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 20 June 2020

Mother is our real world, The umbrella over our life, The root of our existence, Once mother is no more The world shrinks into naught.

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 16 July 2020

There is nothing like mother-like, There can never be an alternative, All the holy rivers around the world blow beneath the feet of a mother, the whole sky too, Mother is the seed of existence, Nay; really the existence itself...! ! !

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Prabir Gayen 08 July 2020

The divine from timeless existence comes into being only to enjoy the sweetness of Love Care and sanctity of a mother, Mother is higher than Divine too...//

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 08 July 2020

There is nothing like mother-like, There can never be an alternative, All the holy rivers around the world blow beneath the feet of a mother, the whole sky too, Mother is the seed of existence, Nay; really the existence itself...//

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 08 July 2020

Mother is beyond attribute, No word can measure the heart Of a mother and it's fragrance, Mother is divine in human form, Mother is heaven and beyond...//+

0 0 Reply
Prabir Gayen 08 July 2020

Mother is our real world, The umbrella over our life, The root of our existence, Once mother is no more The world shrinks into naught...//+

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