Life Is Short Poem by Prof Niamat Ali Murtazai

Life Is Short

Rating: 5.0

Life is short, art is long all wise men say
In silent ground of Time, all players play.
Fate herself is the referee, you know too
To refuse her judgment, you have no say.

Thursday, January 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Bharati Nayak 21 November 2016

Life is short, art is long all wise men say In silent ground of Time, all players play.- - - - - A deep philosophical write- -expressing so many things in so few words.

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Dr Antony Theodore 30 March 2016

Fate, judgement, life, wisdom, so many points come forth in this poem. thank you for this great poem. tony

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 30 March 2016

Thanks Dr Tony

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Dr Antony Theodore 08 January 2016

Life is short, art is long all wise men say .. yes life is too short . do not waste it for unnecessary things, think positively and be creative. thank u. tony

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 08 January 2016

Thanks Dr Tony for your kind appreciation.

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Arfa Iman Kalera 07 January 2016

this poem is amazing and nice.

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 07 January 2016

Thanks a lot for the favor.

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Edward Kofi Louis 07 January 2016

So, let us always do the right thing. Nice work.

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Niamat Ali Murtazai 07 January 2016

Thanks for your precious remarks.

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