Bend Over To Win Poem by Chan Mongol

Bend Over To Win

Rating: 5.0

Low ranking people got power!
They can replace you from what you are!
They can make you and break you!
Bad lucks may come to get you without a review! !

A tiny little needle can pierce skin!
You can't see viruses as they are unseen!
A little broken glass can cut feet!
So, a little needs attention and greet! !

Little people know that without them!
No farming, no politics, no vote, no game!
No start, no begin and no foundation;
Win their heart to profit any construction! !

A successful executive got manners
He says Good morning to his workers;
A good Husband keeps his wife happier!
Politicians regard poor voters and bend-over! !

The bottom of an object is the end!
That can be anywhere in air, water sand!
All way down, to the lower foundation!
The bottom is the edge of any construction! !

Low ranking people got power!
They can replace you from what you are!
They can make you and break you!
Bad lucks may come to get you without a review! !

Monday, April 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: social
Dr Antony Theodore 04 April 2020

The bottom of an object is the end! That can be anywhere in air, water sand! All way down, to the lower foundation! The bottom is the edge of any construction! ! thinking very much of the society and the social evolution in equality and inequaltiy. tony

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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