Gordon Walter

Gordon Walter Poems

Nothing can be exchanged for Love
It has the magic to stand all alone
It removes fear of you but give in fear
That you may lose your beloved

a new water pond
continuous jumps in it

The magic of the moon
Some feel lunatic
and some ecstatic
ignorant everywhere

Start a conflict,
then sit back and
observe the dead soldiers,
orphans, and dispersed families.

silence of this night
making icicle around
i am thoughtful now

The Best Poem Of Gordon Walter

Love Is To Love

Nothing can be exchanged for Love
It has the magic to stand all alone
It removes fear of you but give in fear
That you may lose your beloved

No umbrella can save you
when it rains Love
No shade can protect you
When it rays Love

Like Fish is to water
Like Life is to death
Love is to Love and nothing else.

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Gordon Walter Quotes

Love knows nothing more than Love itself.

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